ABSOLUTELY struggling with Variant 6 boss (Joe Fixit)...help?

UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,302 ★★★★
I went into the Variant 6 for the first time (my first time doing any variant) because I assumed I had a way over stacked roster, since lots of people have presumably done this with rosters far lower or less than mine.

But this is just a lovely reminder that I suck at this game. A few fights in particular throughout the run have cost me up to 10 revives each (Mojo, MODOK, IMIW, Mysterio, Aarkus).

Well now I'm on the final boss - Joe Fix-It - and I'm getting obliterated.

If I try and revive a champ and heal them all the way up - they just lose all their health and die after landing a few combos, but if I only revive them a little, even blocking the bullets from an SP1 kills them.

Since activating a special causes the defender to gain a bar of power, I try to activate my special 1, causing their power bar up to special 2 so that I can attempt to evade their SP2. Key word is evade. Joe is so freaking fast that sometimes I just don't evade quite right and it's over before I've even done any significant damage.

I really don't want to give up now, as I've gotten so far, but I've already used probably 10 revives on him (levels 1, 2, and even 3) and tons of level 3, 4, and 5 health options.

Is there a champ on my roster that might have some tools or strengths I'm not thinking of? I was initially primarily trying to use Kingpin because of the advantage but he's only rank 2. Doom and Nimrod are rank 3.

Any tips or suggestions for finishing him off is helpful, because I'm feeling really deterred right now (definitely won't be doing anymore variants for at least 6 more months). Thanks!


  • Husalah2010Husalah2010 Member Posts: 12
    I used Annihilus. Easy solo.
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,302 ★★★★

    I used Annihilus. Easy solo.

    I don't have Annihilus. Pretty much my only viable and strong villain champs are here. And I've already used about 30 or more revives between him and Mojo and used a couple on Diablo too.

    Some guides or posts I've seen are just bait and then evade his SP2 but I keep getting hit. Doesn't help that my damn fingers somehow activated the auto-play button on two different attempts (there should be a pre-fight option to remove the autoplay button from the match)
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