BG Win becomes 100% loss [merged, under investigation]

I wonder how many of us had the same issue like me . The photos are talking enought ! If you guys had the same problem please add here photos and explanations of whatt happend because i have an opened ticket to kabam and they ask me more evidence

Post edited by Kabam Jax on
I've messaged kabam help 3 times complaining about this and yet all they say is that they're investigating. I've spent so much time and units into BGs and yet I'm rewarded with bugs. It would be one thing if I sacked but in all the cases I finished with 95%+ HP.
All these screenshot are within the last hour. Kabam is there a particular reason I'm consecutively hit with this? Am I shadow banned or something?
I was in quantum 2 when I started and got hit with these consecutive bugs.
Honestly this needs to be fixed ASAP. Will I be compensated for the bugs being fixed? I really hope so because this is really demoralising..
I didn't even get the screen that said I lost, it just put a defender and attacker randomly and then I lost
Can’t have these issues in a competitive game mode PERIOD EVER NADA like wth
I brought this to the team yesterday and they are launching a deeper investigation. It has been added to the bug board.
Will update with more information as it becomes available.