Your Reactions

Been surfing the forums (I have to get ready for some exams so I'm taking this time to play marvel and read posts). I came upon something that I've noticed before but ignored. The disagree and agree reactions in general. I'm geniunely curious as to the thought process. I've seen posts that are perfectly valid and give amazing advice (like nick fury applies bleeds type of valid, just straight up facts) with over a dozen disagrees and no agrees. On the flip side really bad insults, like on a mental level (stupid head and stuff like that), just bad, get so many agrees. Do you guys use disagree as a dislike button (cuz you salty you don't have nick fury) or as a disagree (cuz you think nick fury applies poision) or because you don't like the agree button(nick fury doesn't interest you). This isn't to start and argument I actually just want to know what you think when you read a post.
p.s. nick fury applies bleeds
p.s. nick fury applies bleeds
I'm also convinced that many people hit disagree without even reading the posts based on certain user names (one specifically comes to mind who gets way more disagrees then is deserved at times).
But then there are people who agree or disagree based on the perspective of the post and if it falls in line with their thought process or account. If someone is proposing something that favors lower accounts, it's not uncommon for lower accounts to agree and higher accounts disagree and vice versa.
My point being, i gave no opinion, disagreeing logically makes no sense, yet here we are.
Anyway cool to know that some people probably thought they were clever clicking the disagree button on a post about disagree buttons and are now chuckling away at the amazing joke they have made.
Merry Christmas
Sometimes if ur post is really factual & valid, it might attract a few disagrees before getting any agrees or likes or any other positive reaction......this also indicates that those disagree spammers are highly active on the forums
And a few people just hold grudges towards some profiles due to past discussions (arguments) & that's why they spam disagrees on any post/comment coming from those profiles......this one is pretty common & some accounts are notorious for doing this
Anonymity breeds stupidity cause there's no real consequences.
If someone was in a job interview and disagreed that humans require oxygen to survive, that person probably wouldn't get the job, and hence, probably wouldn't disagree with a fact.
When a random user name protects you from real life, ignorance prevails.
One of my favorite shows, The Newsroom, has an episode where the main character goes on a rant suggesting that anyone who posts something on the internet should have to be verified with personally identifiable information. It was brilliant!
I know algorithms don't exist here the same way as say youtube dislikes, but there is a reason why they turned the button off.
I've found people on here to be total bungholes or just way off base in a thread and extremely helpful in another. But definitely some just spam based on names or just going down the list for fun I guess. I'm sure the "one" wears it as a badge of honor.