Any tips to become cav?

Dr_kyrDr_kyr Member Posts: 33
edited February 2023 in Strategy and Tips
Hi, I’ve just finished act 5, and act 6 seems like a big jump to me. I used 3 revives on 5.4 uk trim boss only.. I am now trying to do the easy path on 6.1.1 but I keep getting ko’d because of the node effects. Any suggestions based on my roster? Should I wait to rank up my 6* ?


  • Dr_kyrDr_kyr Member Posts: 33

  • Dr_kyrDr_kyr Member Posts: 33

  • Dr_kyrDr_kyr Member Posts: 33

  • JeanCarlos501JeanCarlos501 Member Posts: 14
    In my point of view, you have a roster strong enough to become cavalier.

    A personal favorite of mine is Apocalypse, you should give him a try, he becomes a beast when ramped up. I don’t have too much experience on Hercules as i still don’t have him, but people say a lot of good things about him, same with CGR.

    Doom can also get you through a lot of paths if you do the right rotation.

    Watch MCOC Noob’s guides on YouTube. That man helped me go from 6.3.1 to 7.3.1 in less than a month.
  • Dr_kyrDr_kyr Member Posts: 33
    Thanks for your comments, Hercules helped clear LOTS of content with his immortality, I hope you get him fast. I check the guides for each hero I am getting to try to learn the rotation, and I’ll check the videos you also mentioned .
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    you have the roster to become tb, just keep practicing on fundamentals like parry, dexterity, and intercepting. It will be a breeze after that with all those r5 5*s
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited February 2023
    I’m a little late, but I struggled hard with the “No Retreat” node until I relaxed and realized you can dash back once — just not multiple times in immediate succession. So if you need to dash back, that’s OK — just wait for the short timer to expire (watch the icon) — and then you can dash back again if needed.
  • Dr_kyrDr_kyr Member Posts: 33
    edited February 2023
    I will try to practice. I am facing difficulties in the nodes in general. For example, the venom agent on thr “easy” path purifies the stun and other debuffs almost instantly. I am trying to save up some pots and revives and finish the act 6 asap.. can’t wait to get that title!
  • Dr_kyrDr_kyr Member Posts: 33
    Also, which champion should I use to healblock in the boss fight? Is it necesssarybto healblock?
  • MasterAMasterA Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    I didn’t heal block the boss but I did spend quite a few units
  • MasterAMasterA Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    However 6.1.3 and 4 are quite easy
  • WonderWanderWonderWander Member Posts: 80
    Rank up Apoc
    Then you have a solid team good enough to clear Act 6 let alone become Cavalier.
    duped Herc , Nick and Doom are all literally best champions for many fights. Apoc is amazing for so many fights as well.
    Just farm some revives (I use 3.2.6) and get that title!
  • Dr_kyrDr_kyr Member Posts: 33
    Many thanks for the info and the guide link, very useful. I will focus on apoc then, and in the meantime I will farm revives in 3.2.6. I have a mutant t5cc so it shouldnt take that long to rank him up.
  • Tony886Tony886 Member Posts: 659 ★★
    I become cavalier after 2 months of completion of uncollected, u can also got it easily
  • Tony886Tony886 Member Posts: 659 ★★
    Do remember to play battleground for rank up resources
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 1,919 ★★★★
    Your roster has lots of potential, and can definitely take you to act 6 and beyond. I would rank up Apoc if I were you, he's a beast in all forms of content
  • Dr_kyrDr_kyr Member Posts: 33
    edited February 2023
    Thanks for your help everyone.. I’ve managed to become cav yesterday, I ‘ve spent 7 revives but oh well. I’ll sit here and expand my roster for a while , gathering resources and units .
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