Maybe I'm blind but I can't find any hints on the difference

Each month when an existing champ is buffed, I try to see at a glance what has changed. Maybe I'm blind or I'm looking in the wrong place, but so far I haven't found an entry where Kabam shows the changes. Only the champion description is always referred to. But then, as far as I can see, there are only the updated entries. If you have a champ like America Chavez, for example, which I've played little or not at all, I don't know the description by heart. But you can't see what has changed. How can I judge whether the changes are really relevant or just cosmetic? Wouldn't it be possible to mark the changes in the descriptions so that you can see what has changed?
Here's the breakdown of her tune-up
They already had decent kits....just needed some value updates & that is what Kabam has done successfully this time