It's so you don't have to actually go into the crystal to claim it then back out, still need to press claim either on home screen or on the crystal tab.
Something you're meant to do whilst in the game or when you get a notification it's ready to claim as a function to get you to log into the game.
Not a feature which would let you accumulate daily and 4 hour crystals as soon as available without even having to log into the game and rightly so.
Also let’s you Claim **BOTH** the 4 Hr Free and the Daily crystals at same time, (and as mentioned) from the Home Screen, with a single click of button, without it leaving the Home Screen afterwards. Instead of what used to be.. Claim 1st time (from there), taking you to crystals screen. Then back to Home Screen (or manually scroll around crystals screen looking for other one), to do Claim again for the other one.
It is NOT meant to be for claiming any other crystals that you might be earning from say milestones, arena rewards, in-game mail msgs, etc.
Something you're meant to do whilst in the game or when you get a notification it's ready to claim as a function to get you to log into the game.
Not a feature which would let you accumulate daily and 4 hour crystals as soon as available without even having to log into the game and rightly so.
Instead of what used to be.. Claim 1st time (from there), taking you to crystals screen. Then back to Home Screen (or manually scroll around crystals screen looking for other one), to do Claim again for the other one.
It is NOT meant to be for claiming any other crystals that you might be earning from say milestones, arena rewards, in-game mail msgs, etc.