Throne Breaker EQ - Do 7* have higher power gain?

LeanbisonLeanbison Member Posts: 130 ★★
Playing Thronebreaker EQ and noticed that a five hit combo was pushing the defender to an SP1. Is this an attribute of 7*’s or is this just something that happens to make the EQ more challenging.
Since the AI doesn’t reliably through specials anymore this could get annoying. I was dancing around trying to bait specials and starting nodding off cause it was taking so long. If this is the new norm I guess the challenge will be to stay awake long enough to explore the content.


  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,293 ★★★★★
    We don’t have enough information on 7* yet to know for sure, but they shouldn’t. Power gain is consistent across all rarities and is determined by the rank of the champion. So a rank 5 6* is going to gain power faster than a rank 4 6*, but at the same rate as a rank 5 5*. Were you noticing this in specific fights or across the board? What were the nodes when you were noticing it?
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,092 ★★★★★
    edited February 2023
    If you want an answer you gotta provide defender and nodes.
  • LeanbisonLeanbison Member Posts: 130 ★★
    So I just went to check it out. Cavalier VS Thronebreaker. The Medusa in the first science chapter is a good example. In Cav she is a 6* rank 2 and it takes 9 hits to push her to sp1. In Thronebreaker sh is a 7* rank 2 and takes 7 hits to push to sp1. The other difference I found is that as 7 a star she is rank 2 of 6, instead of the rank 5 max of a six star. So maybe there is a difference in power gain with 7 stars. (This node does have the opponent get a power gain but my examples happened before she got the power gain buff)
  • Hickdog27Hickdog27 Member Posts: 142 ★★
    I remember thinking the same thing. There were a couple of paths where I re-read the nodes to see if there was any enhanced power gain and there wasn't.
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