My biggest failure

Today i try eop acceptance which i failed after reaching ikaris fight and i m a non suicide F2P player
My preparation:-
20 lvl3 and 6 lvl4 health pots
32 lvl1 revive and 4lvl 6 revive
1 cosmic sp damage and greater power gain boost
1 15% attack and health boost and 1 20% champion boost
My team:- heimdall 6star rnk3 doom and CGR both undupe
My fights
Bishop- easy 3revive
Crossbone- pain 11 revive
Overseer- easy but messed up 5 revive
Then mistake don't revived Dr doom instead swaped heimdall with hulkling my biggest mistake
If this was not done probably save revive on kraven
Kraven-another pain 10revive
Scorpion:- easy just sp2 then sp3 CGR 3revive
Then i lost and exit the quest
Now I took a break of 2 month and next time come with 50 revive.
So until can some one give me some good advice for eop.
My preparation:-
20 lvl3 and 6 lvl4 health pots
32 lvl1 revive and 4lvl 6 revive
1 cosmic sp damage and greater power gain boost
1 15% attack and health boost and 1 20% champion boost
My team:- heimdall 6star rnk3 doom and CGR both undupe
My fights
Bishop- easy 3revive
Crossbone- pain 11 revive
Overseer- easy but messed up 5 revive
Then mistake don't revived Dr doom instead swaped heimdall with hulkling my biggest mistake
If this was not done probably save revive on kraven
Kraven-another pain 10revive
Scorpion:- easy just sp2 then sp3 CGR 3revive
Then i lost and exit the quest
Now I took a break of 2 month and next time come with 50 revive.
So until can some one give me some good advice for eop.
Personally, I did two runs to 100% EOP, then ran all Carina's Challenges on the right path. Was fun, but a stocked pantry of resources is highly recommended.