A champion I want to discuss [Thor Ragnarok]

shut_up_heathershut_up_heather Member Posts: 285 ★★
edited February 2023 in General Discussion
I see a lot of people trashing him on the forums, so I would like to break down his abilities and usefulness to convince you otherwise. Base abilities: -90% Shock duration. This is actually pretty useful against people like Hulkbuster or if you get parried against Nebula. My only complaint is it's not a resistance OR an immunity, so it is kind of an a middle state (e.g. does not protect at all against Electro)

There are three main things to remember: Balance the Shocks, Armor Breaks and Special Attacks.

Every time he inflicts a Shock he has a 16% to Stun for 2s (can actually get you out of a few JINKIES moments which I will explain later)
Every time he inflicts a Shock he has a 45% to Armor Break (also will explain)
30% to Auto-Block dashing intercepts. Cool, fine, actually saved my butt a few times.
SP1: 75% to Stun, 100% if at 40 Combo or more.
SP2: Armor Break for 16s, paused while Boon of Gods is active
SP3 (stun loop go brrrrrr): Inflict Shock, activate Thunder God's Wrath passive.
Boon of the Gods: every 40 hits in combo meter, gain 3 bars of power, every time he is hit 20 times he gets 3 bars of power; not affected by AAR.
And the most critical point? Every time an attack inflicts a stun, if an Armor Break is on the opponent, deal a burst of physical damage equal to 250% of the hit damage.
Sig: Each shock means -20% Ability Accuracy. Since you will be keeping around 3 shocks on the opponent this is nice. Thunder God's Wrath grants extra attack. At max sig level this can almost double attack rating.

Need sig? No, but greatly increases damage and utility

Those are his base kit which you could just look at him. Let's review rotations.
Short fights/Easy rotation: special 2 special 1 special 2 special 1. Try not to lose your combo
Effective rotation: Build up to special 3 without losing your combo. Thor's default special 3 is 6 hits, so launch that sucka at around 33 hits. (Why not 34? If the opponent activates a special right after the special 3, then chances are you will waste time and the power gain boosts you back up to SP3 again.) Now, bait any specials, dash in for 5 hit combo. Since the power gain should trigger after the first hit, after a full combo you can go right into a SP1, which is going to stun, possibly dealing lots of damage, then go for a second 5-hit combo and you should now be at SP2. Launch it and if you are lucky it will trigger another stun allowing you to go for yet another 5-hit combo, at this point you should be nearing 80 combo and you are prepared to set up the loop again. Even if you don't trigger stuns while armr breaked, the shocks do a respectable amount of damage.

Metrics (I am using the 5 outlines in https://playcontestofchampions.com/: Survivability, Damage, Ease of Use, Utility, Defender Strength)
Survivability: I think his survivability is better than most as if you are lucky you can stun cheese and if the fight is shorter then the stun cheese may last until the end of the fight
Damage: Damage appears to be low when using him normally, but remember the three things that Thor wants: inflicting high-damage Shocks (only available through L3), Armor Breaks (L3 or L2) and frequent special attacks (which is enhanced by Boon of the Gods). Sig ability boosts damage
Ease of use: Bit lower, because you do really need to pay close attention to the combo. If you ever get hit, your rot is effectively ruined.
Utility: About average. His sig ability gives him nice stuff, and he has easy access to Stuns when needed. However, if your opponent is immune to Shock, then your only option is the "easy" rotation, and if they are immune to stun and/or armor break, then no huge stun damage.
Defender strength: Actually pretty potent as when you hit him 20 times he will get launched to a SP3 and this isn't affected by AAR. Bring a power control champ if you can.

High PI (arenas, etc.)
High shock damage
Good defender
If you get lucky, infinite stun loop
Good synergies (specifically with Valkyrie, Hela, Ghulk, Heimdall, and Proxima)
Well-rounded champion
Not suicide friendly as reliant on spamming L1/L2
Shock immunity means waaay less damage
Isn't really a counter for a specific node/champ (lmk if you think of one he is the best option for)

In conclusion, Thor (Ragnarok) is a solid, good champion and he does not deserve all the trash he gets. (Plus he carried me through 5.1)
Post edited by Kabam Jax on


  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,230 ★★★★★
    This would have been fun as a guessing game
  • shut_up_heathershut_up_heather Member Posts: 285 ★★
    Oh shoot didnt freaking realize
  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,181 ★★★★
    at first i thought it is hb, then there is nebula mention, and other than that is TLTR

    Then it is thor in the end...
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    Yeah, Thor Rags is pretty overhated tbh. His abilities are nice, and as a defender his Power Gain is pretty annoying. Basically Walmart Hyperion ordered from Wish.com
  • InsaneSkullInsaneSkull Member Posts: 336 ★★
    Read few lines and immediately looked in comments below. Won't waste time in reading if i don't know about which champ :smiley:
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    edited February 2023
    U are the same person who was asking last month "why Elektra & Groot are considered bad champions"

    After that I just can't take ur opinions about champions seriously anymore

    I will say the same thing here that I said on that post of urs......shut_up_heather

    If people aren't interested in a champ then most probably there is a justifiable reason behind it
    Just let it go & enjoy the game/champions u like
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    AMS94 said:

    U are the same person who was asking last month "why Elektra & Groot are considered bad champions"

    After that I just can't take ur opinions about champions seriously anymore

    I will say the same thing here that I said on that post of urs......shut_up_heather

    If people aren't interested in a champ then most probably there is a justifiable reason behind it
    Just let it go & enjoy the game/champions u like

    Bro, don't be so negative. People can like the champions they like, don't judge them. @shut_up_heather was just sharing some insight on why Thor Ragnarok shouldn't be hated as much as he is, which is completely their choice. If you don't like it, fine, but please don't judge :smile:
  • Señor DudeSeñor Dude Member Posts: 67
    This is hilarious
  • AdevatiAdevati Member Posts: 440 ★★★
    “How to fail a writing prompt assignment”
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Karatemike has a few videos on "Ragnagod" as he calls him. I've considered ranking mine for sure.
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  • shut_up_heathershut_up_heather Member Posts: 285 ★★
    AMS94 said:

    U are the same person who was asking last month "why Elektra & Groot are considered bad champions"

    After that I just can't take ur opinions about champions seriously anymore

    I will say the same thing here that I said on that post of urs......shut_up_heather

    If people aren't interested in a champ then most probably there is a justifiable reason behind it
    Just let it go & enjoy the game/champions u like

    Ok....thank you for your input
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,202 ★★★★★
    OP raises some of Thor's good points.

    I genuinely like him, and think he's fun. And his Damage really is quite respectable especially if you remember the burst damage that the OP described.

    Being able to throw back-to-back Specials is unusual for a Skill champion.

    And reducing the duration of Shock by 90% is really good. (Shock immunity does nothing against hitting Electro, btw: Electro's static shock damage is pure Energy...)

    I agree that he isn't trash and shouldn't be trashed. But he's probably not great enough for his own 'Thor is underrated' thread either... 😉
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