It’s that Time again - BG roster help

I’m paragon, and I’m having an incredibly hard time getting out of bronze this season. Normally I’d already be in gold. Party of it is because I’ve been revive farming with energy for carinas, but the other part is ???
Suggestions on who to add, or who I should rank up? And suggestions on playing the meta. I didn’t think it’d be hard since it’s much simpler than last seasons, but I guess I’m wrong.or suggestions on which YouTuber has a good breakdown of the season thus far.

Suggestions on who to add, or who I should rank up? And suggestions on playing the meta. I didn’t think it’d be hard since it’s much simpler than last seasons, but I guess I’m wrong.or suggestions on which YouTuber has a good breakdown of the season thus far.

Or just quit BGs - having to smash your face against a 50% win rate ladder until it's a bloody pulp, is not fun. I'm on the verge of simply not playing BGs ever again.
I'm a Paragon, 10r4s, can take up 2 more, doing Carina v3s and also still in bronze with an exact 50% win rate.
Yes BGs have the best rewards in game. But how you achieve those rewards, compared to every other mode in the game, isn't fun; tossing a coin multiple times, waiting for 3 heads/tails in a row? It was a stupid idea.
(That rant aside, what is your win rate, who normally gets banned from your deck and how are you losing at the mo? Can't see anything that's really missing for this meta in yours; I'd ban galan, void and one of doom, AA or hulkling from your deck, but I run suicides and have r3 sig'd Korg, peni, domino and know how to fight them, so wouldn't ban them, but would guess they also get banned? )
Apologies for the obvious saltiness on my part 😅
- Inputs are garbage
- I tend to eat a combo immediately before I can push anything
- Somehow my opponent gets all the counters in his roll
I have 13 R4s and an R5. I am probably a slightly above average skill player. This meta doesn't really require specific counters like the last one. So I wouldn't rank anyone for BGs right now.
This season is much more about skill since you don't need specific counters except against your opponents champs.
Apoc, stryfe, vulture, sam Wilson, cable, Odin, Mr f, annihilus; they have minimal or defence only use in this meta, especially in sub 60 second fights.
(As the above are alluding too, you have a roster that was really strong for last months meta; armour, power drain immune, AAR, nullify - you've got the bases covered. For the current nuke and/or shrug meta, you're probably average.
Why? Because most people rank high damage and sustainable champions first, which are strong now. Add to that that many people, even if they war only casually have a few strong defenders ranked up and of course these days, many strong attackers make good defenders, especially given the defender attack boost if you have a debuff on you.
So every match is going to be hard, every match will be high scoring, most will go to 3 rounds I'm guessing. And if you're only an average paragon hitting 50%, then depending on the luck of matches, you may not get out of silver or even bronze unless you spend on shields.
Which then comes down to why you are playing BGs? Personally, I find the mode fun, but not rewarding; my progression in BGs doesn't help with the game mode. EQ, SQ, even AQ, feels like making progress. EOP definitely does. BGs? Would you rank any champ for BGs, right now? I wouldn't.
Which is annoying. I've been considering r4 Nick, Korg, sassy and sersi for war. Those are dead rank ups for BGs and will give me harder match ups in the case of Korg as he's high sig.)