I opened my first 6 star and got deadpool x force, I know he got buffed but is he good?
I used to want one when new with recoil masteries. Now there are enough champs to not worry about this unless you really needed a bleed removed from say torch for a fight.
To be honest, if the opponent is bleed immune or can apply debuffs on you on contact then he is of no use. But he has a great bleed damage that can be amplified with synergies and a great Taunt ability to make opponents throw their specials easily.
Deadpool xforce is buffed.. if you pull Ironman OG or Beast as first 6* it would sux.. but if you have better 5* then you can use those to do some content while hoping rng let's you pull better 6*
if you have 5* Scorpion or Hulkling or Galan or Valkryie, you have one or two or three over me.. I haven't pull them yet.. but I have other champions I am trying to get good at.. Namely: Longshot.. if I can keep myself from getting hit all the time.. and getting chip damage.. then I'm ok.. his burst damage is just bonkers..
Deadpool xforce is buffed.. if you pull Ironman OG or Beast as first 6* it would sux.. but if you have better 5* then you can use those to do some content while hoping rng let's you pull better 6*
I would disagree with this actually. I'd be happier if I got an OG champ that wasn't buffed yet compared to an OG champ that HAS been buffed and is still trash.
I have mine r3 currently hes pretty good, Bleed damage is nice, taunt utility means he takes little damage to block and way less damage from hits and he can take on nodes like all or nothing. Very underrated imo
How about try to be happy that you got a 6* ? If a game makes you sad because you don't get what you want, then I don't understand why you play this specific game where RNG is involved. Games are supposed to bring you joy not make your life miserable.
He will give u iso & 7* shards on getting duped