I keep on getting bad 5* what do i do

Illusion0410Illusion0410 Member Posts: 103
edited February 2023 in Strategy and Tips
I'm uncollected and have opened many 5* (probably 15 - 16). I have gotten only one good champion, that is stealth spidey. I have wolverine and blade but idk if I should upgrade them without sig. I also got a 6* deadpool x force as my first 6 * from a 6* crystal. I can't progress as it's hard with 4* maxed, please, what do I do?
I have 9000 shards currently
I have 16000 incursion crystal currently


  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,018 ★★★★
    I don't want to make you feel worse @Illusion0410 but that's the nature of the game. The first 6* pulls on my main account were Yondu, Abomination (IIRC), then another Yondo. And this was pre-buff.

    On the flip side, the first 6* pulls on my alternate/ftp account were Yondu, BWCV and Galan. And then to cap it all off the fourth 6* on my alt was Shang Chi. Absolutely ridiculous.

    What I'm saying is that you'll get bad pulls more often than not. Most will be not really suitable for anything other than arena or synergy partners. Just occasionally though there'll be something that changes your roster massively for the better, but it won't happen regularly.

    There is an uptick in difficulty after Uncollected which can catch players out. If you haven't explored some of the other content, look at the rewards they offer then do it. Make sure you are completing as much EQ and SQ each month as you can while you build up your roster (accepting that Kabam upped the difficulty last month). Be careful of wasting your units; target your spend effectively.

    Sorry I can't be more specific - hope that helps.
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,577 ★★★★
    Can you show me your roster?
  • Illusion0410Illusion0410 Member Posts: 103
  • DigletGamingDigletGaming Member Posts: 849 ★★★★

    I'm uncollected and have opened many 5* (probably 15 - 16). I have gotten only one good champion, that is stealth spidey. I have wolverine and blade but idk if I should upgrade them without sig. I also got a 6* deadpool x force as my first 6 * from a 6* crystal. I can't progress as it's hard with 4* maxed, please, what do I do?
    I have 9000 shards currently
    I have 16000 incursion crystal currently

  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,134 ★★★★
    Don't discourage, the RNG in this game can be soul crushing with so many bad pulls that seems to never end but hopefully you get on a hot streak with great pulls. Good luck on your next one. Playing with average champs will make you a better player since you can't just brute force you way through all the contents so that's a plus.
  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,166 ★★★★
    sometimes the champs you call bad is actually good
  • Illusion0410Illusion0410 Member Posts: 103
    Really??? Cuz the only good ones i have are: Blade, Wolverine and Stealth spidey. Wolverine and blade need sig ability. The rest are: rocket racoon, guillitone, ronin, and a bunch of other meme tiers
  • Cat_MurdockCat_Murdock Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,099 Content Creator
    There is utility and value to be found in most champs, honestly. You can do a lot of things with a lot of different champs, and they don’t need to be “top god s-tier” types
  • DarkinEnderDarkinEnder Member Posts: 18

    Really??? Cuz the only good ones i have are: Blade, Wolverine and Stealth spidey. Wolverine and blade need sig ability. The rest are: rocket racoon, guillitone, ronin, and a bunch of other meme tiers

    blade doesnt really need it if we are talking about damage, ronin is also an underrated character who is pretty good once you know how he works, we all pretty much started off with mid or low tier 5-6 stars and grew from there. just be persistent and keep pushing and eventually youll get the champs you always wanted. also research your champs, youll be suprised how many champs that you might think are bad are actually super useful.i used to think gambit was bad till i got him, vulture helped me defeat so many mephistos early game and rogue was beasting through so much content. learn more about the champs you recieve since most champs have their own unique uses that can help you push through content. you dont need to have a herc or a kitty to get through most content.
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★

    Really??? Cuz the only good ones i have are: Blade, Wolverine and Stealth spidey. Wolverine and blade need sig ability. The rest are: rocket racoon, guillitone, ronin, and a bunch of other meme tiers

    You actually have a decent amount of good champs, a lot of old champs that were meh, are now pretty good, Rocket and Guillotine are some examples.

    You should be able to advance with your current stuff, anyway, dont hurry, at the beginning of the game, doing act 4 was already hard enough a lot of players spent a lot of time to do it, so you can just farm some more on EQ and SQ
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