BG No-Fight Bug - When is it happening?

FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,495 ★★★★★
I have a theory and any theory worth exploring requires information. Clearly there is no sense of urgency for fixing this bug that some players are experiencing, or Kabam is just not interested in including players in the conversation of what’s going on.
One thing I have noticed when some players complain about this bug, where they enter or finish the fight only to find a score of 0 on the other side of the loading screen, is that it’s taking place after hitting the “I’m Ready” button. At the very least that is the one definable “this is why” explanation I have seen on the forums. If we think back, we scan recall that this button arrived during last season, right around the same time that we can probably agree that this already existing yet not so severe bug became significantly worse and has continued to be a problem for many. So my theory is that this button is causing the communication error with Kabam’s servers which is resulting in the failed match on their end, not on the end of the user as they at times may want us to believe.

So whether you are experiencing this bug or not, help the community understand what you’re experiencing and maybe we can help one another avoid this bug and maybe even help Kabam narrow down the issue and get it fixed.

BG No-Fight Bug - When is it happening? 16 votes

I use “I’m Ready” and notice the bug sometimes or often
Ace_03DJMNHGrimmlock4HalpyBoogaloogler 5 votes
I use “I’m Ready” and do not notice the bug
Mhd20034rockykostonpseudosanePikolu 4 votes
I do not use “I’m Ready” and I still notice the bug sometimes or often
I do not use “I’m Ready” and I do not notice the bug
I notice the bug regardless
DrZolarcm2017GreekhitFiiNCHWerriessFrydayProtogenoi 7 votes


  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    edited February 2023
    I notice the bug regardless
    I’m experiencing fake freeze at different points in the match: during draft, before a fight. Since game rolled over at 1PM, I’ve had draft freeze and a fight that never happened for Round 3 in one fight, total draft freeze that forced me to close the app and come back to champs selected by the app. Fights went through. I’ve tried rebooting router, turning VPN off and on (played with it on phone for years). Nothing seems to fix it.

    I will add that the game didn’t recognize one of those two fights as being “completed”—objectives show I’m 1/3 for fight completion.

    Dr. Zola
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,313 Guardian
    I use “I’m Ready” and do not notice the bug
    I'm more interested in seeing what devices people are using and experiencing these issues with
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    edited February 2023
    I notice the bug regardless
    Actually just had a win from it—probably the second or maybe third time ever.

    Tough matchup, about 900 higher prestige than me. Lost round 1, had decent matchups going and my opponent just…vanished. His champs auto selected based on rating, no attack. Won the next two rounds. Moved up a tier.

    Really doesn’t feel good. Sucks for him and kind of for me too.

    Dr. Zola
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