This is very useful. Makes it very easy to see who you are fighting and what the rewards are. Love your work. Thanks for helping the community with your infographic.
Why does Threat Level 4 reward more 6* shards than the Level 5?
TL5 has had 6* shards twice now (and has 6k more overall), whereas TL4 has only had it the once, so it’s not really more in the grand scheme of things.
This is very useful. Makes it very easy to see who you are fighting and what the rewards are. Love your work. Thanks for helping the community with your infographic.
@Cat_Murdock did you do a rogue+switch run in EOP? if you did I would like the info on that as well
I’ve not done that run yet, no. I’m not sure if I will, since I don’t have a 6* OG Switch and using only the 5* seems quite painful. Alt Avenger plans tbh
I dont think i have done one fight for those 250 shards yet lol.