Who to SIG 200?

Yesterday I finished Carina's Challenges so I got myself the awakening gem and also I now have enough signiture stones to take another champion to sig 200. I am torn between awakening and taking to sig 200 either Knull, Tigra or Valkyrie. My only other options I could consider are maybe Omega Red, King Groot or Guardian (I already have the last 3 awakened already).
Who do you reckon I should go for? (Also I am open to other suggestions)
P.S.: I run suicides. Also I am F2P so sigs are quite rare for me.

Who do you reckon I should go for? (Also I am open to other suggestions)
P.S.: I run suicides. Also I am F2P so sigs are quite rare for me.

Who to SIG 200? 29 votes
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on
Diablo too
If not then I'd advise going with Knull, specially if u run suicides regularly
Thing is another one that will add great value if u care about Battlegrounds
Also I assume ur Hercules is already sig 200.....if not then first I would take him up
However I am leaning towards him now.
I also have duped KG, Knull and Angela and have been debating who to R4 next and sig 200; it's a really tough question. I'm leaning towards Knull too, but may wait until 8.2 drops to see who'd be more useful.
Also, I could see the value in awakening king pin.
Also, if you run ouchies, great roster; Ultron, iabom, omega, Angela, monkey, hype could so do with some rank up love 😉
(By the way, how much use do you get out of og black panther? Been mulling taking mine to R3 to run with herc)