I'm planning to try the Carina Challenge 3 on the Dornammu side. I want to start with the 'Dimensional Being' challenge. I've seen some videos on YouTube with postings claiming to do the 'Dimensional Being' challenge while using Warlock and Hercules. Last I check, these 2 are not Dimensional Beings. Am I missing something?
Also, is CGR, Majik, or Dormammu good against Crossbones? If not, who do u recommend?
Also, is CGR, Majik, or Dormammu good against Crossbones? If not, who do u recommend?
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on
I brought Herc (5*R5 sig 200), Hood (6*R3 unduped) and Galan (6*R4 unduped). Herc took the first 4 fights then I swapped him out for CGR (6*R4 unduped). Hood can take Kraven and Ikaris. Scorpion is an easy solo with CGR and Peni is easy with Galan. Thanos was tough but Hood was really good for the last phase to nullify his unstoppable.
I did not know about that node and how u can switch a hero out and still get credit!!!!!!
So who is good against Crossbones cause I'm dying here with Dormammu?
I assume u need intercept and do NOT block him.
I also need someone who can get his buffs up quickly so I can do damage.
Please help.
I may have to start over now. At least Majik is good for first 2. Who else do u recommend for each enemy?
Is ghost any good?
I imagine she get some good fury if she phase with a whole bunch of those.