Battlegrounds unfair advantage in who has to place first

I noticed in battlegrounds, placing first, 2 times out of 3, if it goes to 3, is a huge disadvantage. I usually win easily the ones I get to place counters. Anyway think defenders should be picked at same time blind, then show defenders at same time, then pick attackers. Still be able to opponents roster they picked, but simply make the defense and offense pick at the same time. Anyone else agree it kinda sucks placing first?
Basically both defenders pick at same time, but unable to be seen by each other. Than show both defenders, and both pick attackers at same time, this part could be shown. Would cut time in half as well picking at same time. But main thing is the disadvantage or advantage in just random if you place first or not. Lots of times it really bad in last round.
Basically both defenders pick at same time, but unable to be seen by each other. Than show both defenders, and both pick attackers at same time, this part could be shown. Would cut time in half as well picking at same time. But main thing is the disadvantage or advantage in just random if you place first or not. Lots of times it really bad in last round.
i worry more about facing the chiefs of the world being a bear (for hockey fans that would be Avalanche v Canadiens)
@kooshmaan meant all 3 round defenders be picked blind at same time. Not just first round. It is like a home field advantage, but I have no cheering fans 😆. It just sucks when your at 2 wins and gotta drop first. Usually if I win first one when I placed first, I sometimes let it go to 3 on purpose, like some are talking about, would speed it up too. Both picking at same time insted of timer for both. Can't stand when it's an obvious pick, and the guy takes the whole time to pick it