Road to GC this season

Just want to share my stats which I gathered this season. This thread is not to show how good or bad I am. Just pure stats.
- my stats 2.8m hero rating (season started with 2.7) and 16447 prestige (almost through all season I had 16000ish. I r5 my first champ 2days ago and prestige bumped)
- 47wins 15loses. Almost 76%win rate. 62 fights in total.
- avarage opponents stats 15871 prestge and 3.2m hero rating. Lowest opponent prestige 12213 in plat2. Highest prestige 17335 in g2. Lowest hero rating 1.3m in g3. Highest hero rating 5m in d3.
- Victory shields used: 1 in d2 and 3 in d1. Had one connection loss bug in d1 but victory shield after my loss somehow was still on in my next fight.
Pretty good run.
Matchmaking is based on prestige.
Sometimes when you cannot find opponent than prestige gates are open wide and you could find opponent with not similar prestige (higher or lower, this starts happening for me from s1).
Even with high win rate it would be really hard to advance to GC without shields.
Sometimes after two loses in a row I got weeker opponents - could be just coincidence but who knows.
Bg is quite stressfull mode tbh.
Good luck with your progress.
- my stats 2.8m hero rating (season started with 2.7) and 16447 prestige (almost through all season I had 16000ish. I r5 my first champ 2days ago and prestige bumped)
- 47wins 15loses. Almost 76%win rate. 62 fights in total.
- avarage opponents stats 15871 prestge and 3.2m hero rating. Lowest opponent prestige 12213 in plat2. Highest prestige 17335 in g2. Lowest hero rating 1.3m in g3. Highest hero rating 5m in d3.
- Victory shields used: 1 in d2 and 3 in d1. Had one connection loss bug in d1 but victory shield after my loss somehow was still on in my next fight.
Pretty good run.
Matchmaking is based on prestige.
Sometimes when you cannot find opponent than prestige gates are open wide and you could find opponent with not similar prestige (higher or lower, this starts happening for me from s1).
Even with high win rate it would be really hard to advance to GC without shields.
Sometimes after two loses in a row I got weeker opponents - could be just coincidence but who knows.
Bg is quite stressfull mode tbh.
Good luck with your progress.