Victory track is the biggest issue of the current BG

FunnyDudeFunnyDude Member Posts: 592 ★★★★
edited March 2023 in Suggestions and Requests
Hack of course, besides that, straight wins requirement in victory track is the biggest issue:
- a lot players are frustrated in the first week because they have to fight with all those top players, it's very difficult for them to get 3 straight wins.
- these players spent hours and still stayed in Bronze or Silver for a few days, of course they got bored very soon, then what's the next? They just gave up.

Suggestions: don't require straight wins for level-up of Bronze, Sliver, Gold, and even Platinum (still keep it as today for diamond and Vibranium). This is a simple change, I think regular players will enjoy this game mode a lot more if Kabam can lower the ban of level-up.
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on


  • FunnyDudeFunnyDude Member Posts: 592 ★★★★
    I meant, lowering the bar of victory track.
  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,638 ★★★★★
    Other competitive modes are like this in other mobile games. EA used this Madden Mobile a few years back. Losses only deducted from your total at a certain threshold.

    Win streaks increased your points earned (more wins in the streak, more points for wins) so it got you out of lower levels faster. This was a benefit to the top players who didn’t have to muddle through the lower ranks every season.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★★
    Trying to monetize BGs with Victory Sheilds so so penny smart and pound foolish. Happy people spend more money.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    Trying to monetize BGs with Victory Sheilds so so penny smart and pound foolish. Happy people spend more money.

    U talking about the same happy people that spend 24/7 farming revives and saving every single unit for CM deals? 😂
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