Champions with Non-Contact Basics/Heavies [Updated Infographic]

Just a reminder because there were several confused comments about this last time:
• just because it goes Bang doesn’t mean it’s a Projectile (see Nick Fury, Cosmic Ghost Rider)
• just because it prevents Thorns, doesn’t mean it’s a Projectile (see Stryfe, Omega Red, etc)
New additions to this graphic since it was last updated:
• Shuri, Infamous Iron Man, Baron Zemo, Silver Centurion and Mister Negative. I was torn on whether or not to include Mr N here, because he doesn’t have any regular non contact basics, but I called out Elsa’s evade mechanic last time, and his is similar in that it doesn’t make contact, so I put him in for consistency.
If you want to Parry any of these hits, you need champs with the special ability to do so, (for example Angela, Proxima, Samuel Wilson)
Dr. Zola