I beat act 5 and these are what I got

Illusion0410Illusion0410 Member Posts: 103
So I DESTROYED ultron and I'm looking for good 5 stars. I got a morningstar and mojo (5*).
So the 5 and 6 stars I have I want to use for act 6 are:
6* Diablo
6* Storm
5* Venom the Duck
5* Havok
5* Collosus
5* Blade
5* Stealth Spidey
I have some more that I know are bad or mid, so I won't use them, I could send them if people would like.
On top of this, I need ISO to upgrade it as I have ran out and all my 6*'s are level 1 and I have one rank 5* five star, 2 rank 3 5*. I have the materials to rank em up but I have no ISO


  • SHIELD4AGENTSHIELD4AGENT Member Posts: 915 ★★★★
    I guess ok, so yeah
  • Total_Domin01Total_Domin01 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    That’s because you used all of it on other ones. There’s this thing about economics, you have to decide what to do with your limited resources. This is what happens when you dump it all in
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