Decrease cooldown on regular Incursions

GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
I love this new sidequest. This post is also not about the 5 minute refresh timers on champs.
Rather. A shortened timer on section refreshes.
Right now incursions reset every couple of weeks. I really like incursions but after doing 1 run of a difficulty there is pretty much no real reason to do that difficulty again until it refreshes.
I would love to see incursions reset every week, even if that means rewards need to be cut in half.
When looking at the rest of the game I think it would not really be breaking economy if incursions would reset weekly with current rewards, or slightly lower rewards.
Lower reset times on champs would be nice aswell, but I actually feel you should only be able to use any champ ones per incursion cycle so we need to expand our rosters and play with different champs more regularly.

In addition I would love for incursions to have some units (not much) or battlechips so they could be an alternative to arena grinding. Before anyone bursts their bubble. I am talking about 5 units per room on each difficulty. Difficulty 9 excluded so every player has 2 difficulties to get units from. This would bring 2x 15 room at 5 units to 150 units per week. Or add 15 units to each point milestone where we now get our gold. This would only increase the yearly ftp unit amount by roughly 7800 (2(d)x15(r)x5(u)x52(w)). If you do all rooms every week, or all milestones every week.
Alternatively 100k battlechips for the same amount of work, might even incrementaly increase them per room to encourage for completion.

I understand that the unit suggestion might be a little much. But I would love for Kabam to atleast consider my first suggestion.

TLDR: Weekly Incurions reset instead of multiple weeks, maybe add a low amount of units.


  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Agree with the units part . About the cooldown part , yeah....6 days is a bit much, since i am a lazy mf who barely went in incursions without my boy herc. A 2-3 day cooldown would be a solid one
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