Angela is bugged

When using Angela (with Odin prefights) in war path 9 the bleeds are getting through from the Hazard Shift nodes. No other debuffs are getting applied.

This was on Hazard shift Shock, Bleed, One Eye Open - node 35.
Same thing happened against Morninstar on node 9. Angela wasn't getting poison or incinerate from node but was getting bleeds from Morningstar.
My Angela is sig 109 so with Odin prefights she is supposed to reduce all damaging Debuffs duration to zero seconds.

This was on Hazard shift Shock, Bleed, One Eye Open - node 35.
Same thing happened against Morninstar on node 9. Angela wasn't getting poison or incinerate from node but was getting bleeds from Morningstar.
My Angela is sig 109 so with Odin prefights she is supposed to reduce all damaging Debuffs duration to zero seconds.
That's how Domino can bypass limber with Massacre, Rhulk synergy