Side Quest - Great Concept, Poor Execution

So I really like how they incorporated incursions into the side quest this month. The permanent hacks and 5 minute cooldowns were inspired ways to make this viable as a side quest, but I don't think enough thought was put into balancing the time commitment vs rewards of side quests as opposed to incursions.
For one, this is tedious. I'm saying this as the only fan of incursions in my alliance. I love incursions, but I don't do 60 zones a week. That's just too much. If we're trying to get more people into this game mode, this isn't the way.
Secondly, these rewards are comparatively bad vs previous side quests. We only have access to about 65k event currency in the 4 weeks of threats 1 through 5, plus whatever we manage to achieve in threat 6....There's well over half a million worth of stuff in that store. I didn't expect to be able to buy it out, but only being able to choose like 15% (rough estimate)? What is that??
The one thing, rewards-wise, I think you guys did nail were the gold milestones. These were on par, if not slightly improved, on what we have been seeing.
I like the merged game mode concept, but I think alot more thought needs to be put into the rewards balancing if this continues moving forward.
For one, this is tedious. I'm saying this as the only fan of incursions in my alliance. I love incursions, but I don't do 60 zones a week. That's just too much. If we're trying to get more people into this game mode, this isn't the way.
Secondly, these rewards are comparatively bad vs previous side quests. We only have access to about 65k event currency in the 4 weeks of threats 1 through 5, plus whatever we manage to achieve in threat 6....There's well over half a million worth of stuff in that store. I didn't expect to be able to buy it out, but only being able to choose like 15% (rough estimate)? What is that??
The one thing, rewards-wise, I think you guys did nail were the gold milestones. These were on par, if not slightly improved, on what we have been seeing.
I like the merged game mode concept, but I think alot more thought needs to be put into the rewards balancing if this continues moving forward.
Week 1 (this Danger Room, with the Zone Rewards and the Milestone Objectives) will refresh in about 3 days so you can earn Week 2 rewards and objectives. However, this means that if you don't play Incursions each week, you lose out on earning that week's rewards.
Last month, I waited until the last week to do all the SQ, but I was able to earn everything available for that month. This month, if I am busy and don't get to doing the SQ until the Week 4, I will only be able to earn 1/4 of what is available for the month (unless I am misinterpreting the timer, and there will be a Week 1 Danger Room, Week 2, and so on with the previous week's incursion still existing).
That is the worst part of this month's SQ - players miss out on rewards if they don't play every week, which is a departure from typical SQ design.
There's also A LOT of us that don't even get the chance of that reward. Cavalier players, of which there are a lot, don't even have the opportunity - so we have to look at the event for what it is and what it gives us. Which is ****.
the rest of rewards are bonus to me ...
If they really wanted to promote incursions, they should have changed the prize structure. The danger store and gold is fine. The rewards for solo objectives where relics are present should have been replaced with incursion cystal fragments. Relics could have been a different objective where if you complete a certain number of fights with champions with relics attached, you get relic fragments.
That way all parties happy. Relics continue to be the least desired prize and show up again in every sq.
The game dynamics have shifted to 6* champs. Collecting 54000 artifacts takes a lot of time. This month tedious hardwork was best to give summoners artifacts either in danger room or post fights