New champions and punishing/bypassing parries

What is up with new champs that are released nowadays that either completely bypass the parry mechanic or make it extremely burdensome?
Previously, such champions existed but it wasn't all too common. Now we're getting bombarded with them. IE Kate bishop, shuri, attuma, baron zemo, iDoom and Quicksilver (though he just evades out of stuns sometimes) over the past 6 months. It's cheap difficulty tuning. For reference, the last champion to bypass parries was 13 months before that with Hercules. If you were to remove this parry bypassing mechanic on the aforementioned champions, they would be a cakewalk. Again, cheap difficulty tuning. Can we stop with this?
Previously, such champions existed but it wasn't all too common. Now we're getting bombarded with them. IE Kate bishop, shuri, attuma, baron zemo, iDoom and Quicksilver (though he just evades out of stuns sometimes) over the past 6 months. It's cheap difficulty tuning. For reference, the last champion to bypass parries was 13 months before that with Hercules. If you were to remove this parry bypassing mechanic on the aforementioned champions, they would be a cakewalk. Again, cheap difficulty tuning. Can we stop with this?
Shuri also has non-contact attacks but it's every basic hit so that makes it a lot more annoying to deal with. I'll give you that one
Treat Kate Bishop like you would treat Mordo or just bring an evade counter. Quicksilver works in a similar manner but he doesn't have an instant retaliation like those two. Again you can play around it or bring an evade counter.
Attuma has really easy to punish heavy attack. If you want to parry you can bring Bishop, Storm, Storm X, Wags prefight.
I understand that it is annoying to deal with it and when you couple it with a crazy combination of nodes like incursion it is extremely punishing, but in most scenarios that won't be the case. The game is also built around bringing specific counters, and for most of the champions you mentioned you just need to alter your playstyle slightly.