Alpha Omega Squad LF 2 active skilled paragon

Alpha Omega Squad is
Looking for 2 Active &
Skilled players for Tier3 wars

3 battlegroup war and is ranked at platinum 3 for two seasons in a row

Must be thronebreaker/ Paragon with minimum 25 x R4+ R3 & 15.000+ prestige

AQ map6 5x a week with scores about 580 million+ and 4800 Glory as rewards
Rank 338

AQ is simple but it is mandatory to join everyday

We need war veterans who are skilled, active, and can pull their own weight

The alliance focuses on 3 things and these are, the most rewards that will help you grow much faster

Battlegrounds 100.000 + minimum

Cooperate and communicate with us, and you will see more progress for yourself and the alliance.

wolfi1970 or
On line app
For more information

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