Looking for a spot for 2 people.
Prestige about 14000 each
We are both EST US.
Looking for AQ minimum 555 where everyone moves at least a couple times and exploration is not an issue.
Looking for AW 3 BGs (gold 2 or so) if possible, but the expectation is exploration and people not kicked for skill/ko's, but maps are fully explored with only 1 loyalty revives required.
Note: I place defenders with recoil masteries and do not change masteries for war, so this has to be acceptable as well.
No minimum BGs, but we try to average 50000 or more. It just depends on how much free time we have.
I am not the most skilled, but I am active. So I don't see me ever in high tier wars. I can do WhatsApp or Line and would like a communication system for in game and just fun chat. I communicate more than the other person, as you can tell by how wordy this is.
We both have jobs, families, etc. and can not always be on early or at drop of the hat, but we will be on. But want full exploration AQ and AW where people move more than once in AQ, while others rarely move.
Being part of an alliance that is part of a group of alliances may be good too.
If you have an alliance that sounds like the above, let me know your line (or whatever info) and we can discuss further. I want to do my best to avoid jumping around looking for a match.
Prestige about 14000 each
We are both EST US.
Looking for AQ minimum 555 where everyone moves at least a couple times and exploration is not an issue.
Looking for AW 3 BGs (gold 2 or so) if possible, but the expectation is exploration and people not kicked for skill/ko's, but maps are fully explored with only 1 loyalty revives required.
Note: I place defenders with recoil masteries and do not change masteries for war, so this has to be acceptable as well.
No minimum BGs, but we try to average 50000 or more. It just depends on how much free time we have.
I am not the most skilled, but I am active. So I don't see me ever in high tier wars. I can do WhatsApp or Line and would like a communication system for in game and just fun chat. I communicate more than the other person, as you can tell by how wordy this is.
We both have jobs, families, etc. and can not always be on early or at drop of the hat, but we will be on. But want full exploration AQ and AW where people move more than once in AQ, while others rarely move.
Being part of an alliance that is part of a group of alliances may be good too.
If you have an alliance that sounds like the above, let me know your line (or whatever info) and we can discuss further. I want to do my best to avoid jumping around looking for a match.
My line “ themiso999 “ if you wanna chat I have a few questions we may have 2 spots
If you're still looking hit me up we can chat a bit more.
lineid vicrosa13