Do you like TAGtical Edge nodes?

I personally am not a fan. I get the idea of switching it up and bringing new nodes, but this month specifically feels messy with the nodes and I would prefer the typical “class specific” nodes for EQ.
Do you like TAGtical Edge nodes? 92 votes
TB EQ is one or two sitting for me.
Explore asap and forget about if for the rest of the month. One less thing to worry about the grindfest things have become.
They’re sometimes a pain but in general I like how they have beneficial nodes in these quests, class- and/or tag-based. TB EQ is all about roster diversity and counters.
It’s a shame there’s no persistent charge for regular class nodes.
Why charges carry only at tagged champions and not at the class champions?
It would speed things up in the quest and make it less boring.
For me at least EQ is a repetitive grind at this point.
Design is outdated with so many paths per quest, especially the last chapter with six and seven paths per quest.
It used to be ok few years back, when there wasn’t too much other content in the game to play during the month.
Now there are Incursions, BGs and usually something else drops on each month (EOP, a chapter of story quest etc.).
As for Tagtical Edge nodes, I don’t really mind them since I usually bring in the quest my top and fastest champs (Hercules,AA etc.) and counters for any annoying defenders or boss.