Removal of Revive Farming and the Apothecary Discussion



  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    Wiredawg1 said:

    Dofygtj said:

    Dofygtj said:

    Buttehrs said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    Mauled said:

    As I've said before I'm wholeheartedly against this change for a few reasons. I'm going to focus on the two that I believe are the most significant.

    1 - The potion/revive market has been in dire need of an overhaul for years, but especially in the last year or two since our champions have been hitting R3/4 and now R5. In order to revive and fully heal an un-boosted R4 costs something like 120 units, depending on the health pool, and even more if the champion is boosted. As the potion economy currently stands cases it's actually worth allowing boosts to expire - depending on the boosts you're using -before healing a champion. Using the free potions from 4 hour crystals it takes an average of about 10 crystals to heal a champion from a 40% revive (assuming you're a Paragon), using the lv3 from RoL it takes about 15 or so.

    The potion situation being so ludicrous is one of the reasons that revives are farmed in the way that they are: players can't afford to spend the units to heal their champions up, or have the time to spend hours and hours farming RoL for lv3 potions to heal. It's far more efficient to just farm revives and use 20% revives.

    Solution: Health potions should be % based, starting with 10% for lv1, up to a 60% heal for lv6.

    2 - Difficult content is being designed to make you revive. If you look at AoL upon release that was a piece of content that came with a hard ceiling on the amount of damage that you could do per hit - 85k - and a hard ceiling on the amount of hits you could do, depending on the power level of the champion ~240 hits. Unless you're using someone like Prof X, or Stryfe using a heavy-only playstyle soloing any of the fights was next to impossible, and it still is for many of the champions in the game no matter what their power level is now. This is a design philosophy that has continued into the Carinas Challenges, V1 was full of punitive challenges like the Star Lord challenge which is impossible to do without an enormous amount of revives, V2 isn't quite as bad though the Carina's Challengers challenge is still a revive fiesta. Carina V3 was designed to force you to revive multiple times per fight - there's only one of the Challenges where Peni isn't a total revive fiesta (CMM), for example.

    Solution: The design philosophy needs to change. There's a difference between hard and impossible content. Much of Carina V3, AoL (At least on release) is impossible content and people just aren't keen on the idea of spending 2-3k units to do a challenge or a single line in a quest.

    Completely agree @Mauled. Great points.

    The revive farm is a consequence of negligence of reviewing the potion ecosystem and making sure that a reasonable amount of account potions are available in endgame content. I’m not talking about ground breaking things here but a revive every other quest on a single line that doesn’t refresh would be a huge upgrade. Including heal pots that are relevant to the story content. This doesn’t meant L3 (1500 go revives in TB difficulty, gtfoh with that) but maybe L5s on an Act8 line. Another option would be to changed pots to % based pots, then maybe a L1 might be something of relevance to all players. Rather than less than 1% of a 6star R5 HP… again gtfoh with that.

    Additionally it’s a consequence of unreasonable objectives that aren’t designed to be challenging yet fun like EoP but instead are design to consume resources in punishing fashion that requires a level of Masochism to push through, as you know that no amount of skill makes that content possible
    People used the same excuse for spamming the Act 1 Rev.
    Please explain how this is a relevant comment to the ideas presented here, because it’s not it’s a derailment if reasonable ideas, and it shouldn’t be allowed
    How does something from years ago relate to current potions not being useful or content that is designed to consume more potions than you can carry? It wasn’t relevant to either point being discussed, it’s a derailment, you are derailing those 2 ideas with your comment. So I’d like us to go back to those 2 ideas if you’d like to continue discussions with me, otherwise Good Afternoon.
    How does something that was for newer Players being milked relate to something that was for newer Players being milked now? Do I need to explain that?
    The same justifications were being used, the percentage, the content, the bugs, the P2W.....
    Except that’s not the conversation you are quoting. Do I need to explain that? Moving on…
    Yes it was. The conversation was justifying the farming situation with the state of Revives. The reality is, wherever Players can find an easy advantage, they'll take full advantage. Which is fine, unless it becomes a problem. It's become a problem.
    Wrong. The problem is kabam creating content that requires massive amounts of revives and then saying you can't farm said revives. You must pay for them with cash/units. That's their problem. Not ours.
    It's everyone's problem. Aside from the fact that the design needs to evolve over time to match that farming, as the game is created in part by the data results, it's also a case of people not being patient enough. You don't need to farm like mad to do content. You can save Resources and wait. Yet people are in the habit of wanting to do it the second it comes out.
    Whilst quick enough to blame the player base for not being patient ( kabams side as usual )
    You forget that we are enticed to complete new content by kabam, ie. new summoner levels with even better rewards, better aq levels with higher prestige, defender diversity by having as many great and different defender at a high level, battle grounds needing more and more champs at a high level to suit there latest mods. So YOURE WRONG
    To the best of my knowledge, Kabam doesn't push Players to do anything. They design the game for everyone to play at the level they choose, at their own pace. There are various incentives to progress, like Titles, but they're not pushing anyone to run right out and do it right away. Even less so to take advantage of Resources that are there for Players starting out.
    Push is different from entice, if you need to change the words to defend yourself from being wrong then it’s better to ignore. Glad I could help with basic knowledge though.
    Happy to help you with other basic stuff so you can keep up with things.
    Top tip, after you run out of fingers then take your socks off and you can reach 20.
    I know what you said. The implication is that Kabam is responsible because they design content that has certain requirements. What you're not acknowledging is the expectations that Players and Alliances place is not Kabam's doing. No one is forcing people to run out and "spam" Revs to do it right away. That's a choice. One that lacks patience.
    This is such an out-of-touch take and is the equivalent of ignoring any criticism leveled at this game with "No one is forcing people to play the game so stop complaining". At that point, why are you even partaking in the discussion?
    He not in an high aq alliance where prestige matters so doing content when comes out isn’t important to him. He thinks he speaks for everyone when In reality his comments are out of touch with a bit of the player base. His comments are more in line with mid tier players which he is
    Clearly you are not either because you would know that if you are in a top alliance then that means you have the game permanent content done and you are playing mainly AQ, AW, BG and Arenas besides monthly events, so they dont have the lack of resources the rest of the people have.

    And anyway, Act 1 to 3 are not meant to be done by Paragon Players, they are meant to be done by people progressing the game, the fact that you could do it doesnt mean that it is meant to be done.

    And again, Everest content is still meant to be hard, so you have to prepare yourself for a determinated time to do it, if everyone is able to do it the first day spamming revives, that makes Everest Content just another normal content for every but where you have to farm revives and have Herc to be able to do it.

    Maybe Kabam could just put a node like "Hercules gets Sealed Fate and he gets a Degen of 100% HP in 30 seconds" so people dont abuse him? Maybe, but that doesnt mean that you should be able to do Everest content the first day.

    This is not a bad change, I think it is necessary, but this change should come with Bug fixes so players dont have to waste more revives than needed and with the resources cap being upgraded with progression so Paragon players have maybe 30 cap instead of 15, because Everest content needs to be done with revives.

    And anyway, Kabam didnt say that they are making those Acts between 1 to 3 to have no revives, they said they are going to nerf it so that you cant just get 50 revives in one day spamming the same quest over and over, which is, objectively, a good change for the game.

    And as someone stated before, if you want to do the hardest content in game the day it releases, that is a you problem, because it isnt meant to be done the first day.

    "Yeah but Lagacy did it and it took an insane amount of revives and he is very very good"

    Yeah, Lags is a very skilled player, but he is a content creator, he does it the first day because it is his job to do so, and as he himself stated, he was not prepared really to do it at that point so he used more revives than needed, and as I showed before, there are players that are able to do EoP itself with less than 25 revives.

    Seriously I dont know how the hell everyone is this annoyed about needing revives constantly, I didnt know that everybody has every content of the game done so they can just do Carinas Challenges and the new content that comes out, looks like everybody did Abyss already, and explored all acts and Variants, so their only content left is Carinas Challenges, damn, you guys are either so good or you play the game all day.

    And seriously, there is a lot of people that does those Challenges with less than 30 revives, if there are people that can do it with that amount, you can too, if you need more revives than you should then you should farm units or spend on the game, you want to be a f2p still? Arenas are your friends, farm units and buy revive deals when they come out so you can do the Carinas Challenges.

    Everyone is acting like now you have to waste units on revives like you wont have revives by playing the game when thats not the case, you are going to have enough revives to do the content, but you are not going to be able to have 100 in 2 days.

    I still think this is not the moment to do this change, since the bugs make you use revives even if you shouldnt, fix the bugs first, then make this changes.

    My only problem maybe with the change is the quality of the new Daily Quest rewards, it should be adapted to the progression levels, and make the cap bigger, with that little tweaks the change is good enough to be applied.
  • HSS75HSS75 Member Posts: 1,161 ★★★
    line 5 instead of to add for, put in for
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★
    Sidd777 said:

    I’d be interested to know across how many players the 100k to 300k revives are farmed daily given how big the playerbase is

    and how many were actually used in content. I (and I assume many others) double dip for solo and alliance event points because why not and if something comes up or the moment passes, I won't have the uninterrupted hours to tackle difficult content I'm not getting paid to complete, they end up in the stash and get sold if I remember or just expire if I forget.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Someone wanna untag me from this my phone going off the
    Jefechuta said:

    Wiredawg1 said:

    Dofygtj said:

    Dofygtj said:

    Buttehrs said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    As I've said before I'm wholeheartedly against this change for a few reasons. I'm going to focus on the two that I believe are the most significant.

    1 - The potion/revive market has been in dire need of an overhaul for years, but especially in the last year or two since our champions have been hitting R3/4 and now R5. In order to revive and fully heal an un-boosted R4 costs something like 120 units, depending on the health pool, and even more if the champion is boosted. As the potion economy currently stands cases it's actually worth allowing boosts to expire - depending on the boosts you're using -before healing a champion. Using the free potions from 4 hour crystals it takes an average of about 10 crystals to heal a champion from a 40% revive (assuming you're a Paragon), using the lv3 from RoL it takes about 15 or so.

    The potion situation being so ludicrous is one of the reasons that revives are farmed in the way that they are: players can't afford to spend the units to heal their champions up, or have the time to spend hours and hours farming RoL for lv3 potions to heal. It's far more efficient to just farm revives and use 20% revives.

    Solution: Health potions should be % based, starting with 10% for lv1, up to a 60% heal for lv6.

    2 - Difficult content is being designed to make you revive. If you look at AoL upon release that was a piece of content that came with a hard ceiling on the amount of damage that you could do per hit - 85k - and a hard ceiling on the amount of hits you could do, depending on the power level of the champion ~240 hits. Unless you're using someone like Prof X, or Stryfe using a heavy-only playstyle soloing any of the fights was next to impossible, and it still is for many of the champions in the game no matter what their power level is now. This is a design philosophy that has continued into the Carinas Challenges, V1 was full of punitive challenges like the Star Lord challenge which is impossible to do without an enormous amount of revives, V2 isn't quite as bad though the Carina's Challengers challenge is still a revive fiesta. Carina V3 was designed to force you to revive multiple times per fight - there's only one of the Challenges where Peni isn't a total revive fiesta (CMM), for example.

    Solution: The design philosophy needs to change. There's a difference between hard and impossible content. Much of Carina V3, AoL (At least on release) is impossible content and people just aren't keen on the idea of spending 2-3k units to do a challenge or a single line in a quest.
    Completely agree. Great points.

    The revive farm is a consequence of negligence of reviewing the potion ecosystem and making sure that a reasonable amount of account potions are available in endgame content. I’m not talking about ground breaking things here but a revive every other quest on a single line that doesn’t refresh would be a huge upgrade. Including heal pots that are relevant to the story content. This doesn’t meant L3 (1500 go revives in TB difficulty, gtfoh with that) but maybe L5s on an Act8 line. Another option would be to changed pots to % based pots, then maybe a L1 might be something of relevance to all players. Rather than less than 1% of a 6star R5 HP… again gtfoh with that.

    Additionally it’s a consequence of unreasonable objectives that aren’t designed to be challenging yet fun like EoP but instead are design to consume resources in punishing fashion that requires a level of Masochism to push through, as you know that no amount of skill makes that content possible
    People used the same excuse for spamming the Act 1 Rev.
    Please explain how this is a relevant comment to the ideas presented here, because it’s not it’s a derailment if reasonable ideas, and it shouldn’t be allowed
    How does something from years ago relate to current potions not being useful or content that is designed to consume more potions than you can carry? It wasn’t relevant to either point being discussed, it’s a derailment, you are derailing those 2 ideas with your comment. So I’d like us to go back to those 2 ideas if you’d like to continue discussions with me, otherwise Good Afternoon.
    How does something that was for newer Players being milked relate to something that was for newer Players being milked now? Do I need to explain that?
    The same justifications were being used, the percentage, the content, the bugs, the P2W.....
    Except that’s not the conversation you are quoting. Do I need to explain that? Moving on…
    Yes it was. The conversation was justifying the farming situation with the state of Revives. The reality is, wherever Players can find an easy advantage, they'll take full advantage. Which is fine, unless it becomes a problem. It's become a problem.
    Wrong. The problem is kabam creating content that requires massive amounts of revives and then saying you can't farm said revives. You must pay for them with cash/units. That's their problem. Not ours.
    It's everyone's problem. Aside from the fact that the design needs to evolve over time to match that farming, as the game is created in part by the data results, it's also a case of people not being patient enough. You don't need to farm like mad to do content. You can save Resources and wait. Yet people are in the habit of wanting to do it the second it comes out.
    Whilst quick enough to blame the player base for not being patient ( kabams side as usual )
    You forget that we are enticed to complete new content by kabam, ie. new summoner levels with even better rewards, better aq levels with higher prestige, defender diversity by having as many great and different defender at a high level, battle grounds needing more and more champs at a high level to suit there latest mods. So YOURE WRONG
    To the best of my knowledge, Kabam doesn't push Players to do anything. They design the game for everyone to play at the level they choose, at their own pace. There are various incentives to progress, like Titles, but they're not pushing anyone to run right out and do it right away. Even less so to take advantage of Resources that are there for Players starting out.
    Push is different from entice, if you need to change the words to defend yourself from being wrong then it’s better to ignore. Glad I could help with basic knowledge though.
    Happy to help you with other basic stuff so you can keep up with things.
    Top tip, after you run out of fingers then take your socks off and you can reach 20.
    I know what you said. The implication is that Kabam is responsible because they design content that has certain requirements. What you're not acknowledging is the expectations that Players and Alliances place is not Kabam's doing. No one is forcing people to run out and "spam" Revs to do it right away. That's a choice. One that lacks patience.
    This is such an out-of-touch take and is the equivalent of ignoring any criticism leveled at this game with "No one is forcing people to play the game so stop complaining". At that point, why are you even partaking in the discussion?
    He not in an high aq alliance where prestige matters so doing content when comes out isn’t important to him. He thinks he speaks for everyone when In reality his comments are out of touch with a bit of the player base. His comments are more in line with mid tier players which he is
    Clearly you are not either because you would know that if you are in a top alliance then that means you have the game permanent content done and you are playing mainly AQ, AW, BG and Arenas besides monthly events, so they dont have the lack of resources the rest of the people have.

    And anyway, Act 1 to 3 are not meant to be done by Paragon Players, they are meant to be done by people progressing the game, the fact that you could do it doesnt mean that it is meant to be done.

    And again, Everest content is still meant to be hard, so you have to prepare yourself for a determinated time to do it, if everyone is able to do it the first day spamming revives, that makes Everest Content just another normal content for every but where you have to farm revives and have Herc to be able to do it.

    Maybe Kabam could just put a node like "Hercules gets Sealed Fate and he gets a Degen of 100% HP in 30 seconds" so people dont abuse him? Maybe, but that doesnt mean that you should be able to do Everest content the first day.

    This is not a bad change, I think it is necessary, but this change should come with Bug fixes so players dont have to waste more revives than needed and with the resources cap being upgraded with progression so Paragon players have maybe 30 cap instead of 15, because Everest content needs to be done with revives.

    And anyway, Kabam didnt say that they are making those Acts between 1 to 3 to have no revives, they said they are going to nerf it so that you cant just get 50 revives in one day spamming the same quest over and over, which is, objectively, a good change for the game.

    And as someone stated before, if you want to do the hardest content in game the day it releases, that is a you problem, because it isnt meant to be done the first day.

    "Yeah but Lagacy did it and it took an insane amount of revives and he is very very good"

    Yeah, Lags is a very skilled player, but he is a content creator, he does it the first day because it is his job to do so, and as he himself stated, he was not prepared really to do it at that point so he used more revives than needed, and as I showed before, there are players that are able to do EoP itself with less than 25 revives.

    Seriously I dont know how the hell everyone is this annoyed about needing revives constantly, I didnt know that everybody has every content of the game done so they can just do Carinas Challenges and the new content that comes out, looks like everybody did Abyss already, and explored all acts and Variants, so their only content left is Carinas Challenges, damn, you guys are either so good or you play the game all day.

    And seriously, there is a lot of people that does those Challenges with less than 30 revives, if there are people that can do it with that amount, you can too, if you need more revives than you should then you should farm units or spend on the game, you want to be a f2p still? Arenas are your friends, farm units and buy revive deals when they come out so you can do the Carinas Challenges.

    Everyone is acting like now you have to waste units on revives like you wont have revives by playing the game when thats not the case, you are going to have enough revives to do the content, but you are not going to be able to have 100 in 2 days.

    I still think this is not the moment to do this change, since the bugs make you use revives even if you shouldnt, fix the bugs first, then make this changes.

    My only problem maybe with the change is the quality of the new Daily Quest rewards, it should be adapted to the progression levels, and make the cap bigger, with that little tweaks the change is good enough to be applied.

    Just to get my name tag out phone going wild
  • 11993451199345 Member Posts: 561 ★★★
    edited March 2023
    How about having revives randomy pop up in the Apothecary??

    Problem solved...
  • DeepworldDeepworld Member Posts: 290 ★★★
    They will have them at a 1-5% drop rate, which in my eyes is too little. So much for the “we wanted to get rid of the RNG aspect of obtaining revives”…
  • 11993451199345 Member Posts: 561 ★★★
    edited March 2023
    Deepworld said:

    They will have them at a 1-5% drop rate, which in my eyes is too little. So much for the “we wanted to get rid of the RNG aspect of obtaining revives”…

    I'm talking about going in and having 1 or 2 just randomly placed on a path...
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Dofygtj said:

    Dofygtj said:

    Dofygtj said:

    Dofygtj said:

    Buttehrs said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    Mauled said:

    As I've said before I'm wholeheartedly against this change for a few reasons. I'm going to focus on the two that I believe are the most significant.

    1 - The potion/revive market has been in dire need of an overhaul for years, but especially in the last year or two since our champions have been hitting R3/4 and now R5. In order to revive and fully heal an un-boosted R4 costs something like 120 units, depending on the health pool, and even more if the champion is boosted. As the potion economy currently stands cases it's actually worth allowing boosts to expire - depending on the boosts you're using -before healing a champion. Using the free potions from 4 hour crystals it takes an average of about 10 crystals to heal a champion from a 40% revive (assuming you're a Paragon), using the lv3 from RoL it takes about 15 or so.

    The potion situation being so ludicrous is one of the reasons that revives are farmed in the way that they are: players can't afford to spend the units to heal their champions up, or have the time to spend hours and hours farming RoL for lv3 potions to heal. It's far more efficient to just farm revives and use 20% revives.

    Solution: Health potions should be % based, starting with 10% for lv1, up to a 60% heal for lv6.

    2 - Difficult content is being designed to make you revive. If you look at AoL upon release that was a piece of content that came with a hard ceiling on the amount of damage that you could do per hit - 85k - and a hard ceiling on the amount of hits you could do, depending on the power level of the champion ~240 hits. Unless you're using someone like Prof X, or Stryfe using a heavy-only playstyle soloing any of the fights was next to impossible, and it still is for many of the champions in the game no matter what their power level is now. This is a design philosophy that has continued into the Carinas Challenges, V1 was full of punitive challenges like the Star Lord challenge which is impossible to do without an enormous amount of revives, V2 isn't quite as bad though the Carina's Challengers challenge is still a revive fiesta. Carina V3 was designed to force you to revive multiple times per fight - there's only one of the Challenges where Peni isn't a total revive fiesta (CMM), for example.

    Solution: The design philosophy needs to change. There's a difference between hard and impossible content. Much of Carina V3, AoL (At least on release) is impossible content and people just aren't keen on the idea of spending 2-3k units to do a challenge or a single line in a quest.

    Completely agree @Mauled. Great points.

    The revive farm is a consequence of negligence of reviewing the potion ecosystem and making sure that a reasonable amount of account potions are available in endgame content. I’m not talking about ground breaking things here but a revive every other quest on a single line that doesn’t refresh would be a huge upgrade. Including heal pots that are relevant to the story content. This doesn’t meant L3 (1500 go revives in TB difficulty, gtfoh with that) but maybe L5s on an Act8 line. Another option would be to changed pots to % based pots, then maybe a L1 might be something of relevance to all players. Rather than less than 1% of a 6star R5 HP… again gtfoh with that.

    Additionally it’s a consequence of unreasonable objectives that aren’t designed to be challenging yet fun like EoP but instead are design to consume resources in punishing fashion that requires a level of Masochism to push through, as you know that no amount of skill makes that content possible
    People used the same excuse for spamming the Act 1 Rev.
    Please explain how this is a relevant comment to the ideas presented here, because it’s not it’s a derailment if reasonable ideas, and it shouldn’t be allowed
    How does something from years ago relate to current potions not being useful or content that is designed to consume more potions than you can carry? It wasn’t relevant to either point being discussed, it’s a derailment, you are derailing those 2 ideas with your comment. So I’d like us to go back to those 2 ideas if you’d like to continue discussions with me, otherwise Good Afternoon.
    How does something that was for newer Players being milked relate to something that was for newer Players being milked now? Do I need to explain that?
    The same justifications were being used, the percentage, the content, the bugs, the P2W.....
    Except that’s not the conversation you are quoting. Do I need to explain that? Moving on…
    Yes it was. The conversation was justifying the farming situation with the state of Revives. The reality is, wherever Players can find an easy advantage, they'll take full advantage. Which is fine, unless it becomes a problem. It's become a problem.
    Wrong. The problem is kabam creating content that requires massive amounts of revives and then saying you can't farm said revives. You must pay for them with cash/units. That's their problem. Not ours.
    It's everyone's problem. Aside from the fact that the design needs to evolve over time to match that farming, as the game is created in part by the data results, it's also a case of people not being patient enough. You don't need to farm like mad to do content. You can save Resources and wait. Yet people are in the habit of wanting to do it the second it comes out.
    Whilst quick enough to blame the player base for not being patient ( kabams side as usual )
    You forget that we are enticed to complete new content by kabam, ie. new summoner levels with even better rewards, better aq levels with higher prestige, defender diversity by having as many great and different defender at a high level, battle grounds needing more and more champs at a high level to suit there latest mods. So YOURE WRONG
    To the best of my knowledge, Kabam doesn't push Players to do anything. They design the game for everyone to play at the level they choose, at their own pace. There are various incentives to progress, like Titles, but they're not pushing anyone to run right out and do it right away. Even less so to take advantage of Resources that are there for Players starting out.
    Push is different from entice, if you need to change the words to defend yourself from being wrong then it’s better to ignore. Glad I could help with basic knowledge though.
    Happy to help you with other basic stuff so you can keep up with things.
    Top tip, after you run out of fingers then take your socks off and you can reach 20.
    I know what you said. The implication is that Kabam is responsible because they design content that has certain requirements. What you're not acknowledging is the expectations that Players and Alliances place is not Kabam's doing. No one is forcing people to run out and "spam" Revs to do it right away. That's a choice. One that lacks patience.
    If you knew what I said then why change it? Kabam entice us all the time with offers, progression etc are you saying they don’t entice us?
    I find entice to be a point of view that lacks onus. They make things available. Some are more invested than others.
    They make things available, some more enticing than others. So carrot not the stick that you changed it to, so my points been made thank you.
    I'm not sure how you interpreted that from what I said. I said it appeals to some more than others. That depends on where they're at, but it also depends on how bad some want it.
    That doesn't account for how fast people go after it and the vices they use to get it.
    A store can advertise a shiny, new sportscar. I can either work towards it, save money moderately, and eventually buy the car. I can also sell everything I own, swindle and take advantage of any unscrupulous opportunity to make money, and buy it as fast as humanly possible. Both cases, that shiny, new sportscar is just a car on a lot.
  • TheAntiSaintTheAntiSaint Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2023
    Just gonna drop this real fast, make l1 revives less units. It’s obvious spending is all kabam cares for but 40 units for l2s suck so atleast have l1s be purchasable for less units. Thanks
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★

    But they never were against this. In fact, their post just highlights that they wanted it to happen and they want to MONETIZE IT.

    I can think of a better ways for them to make a buck. This wasn't even slick. This kinda makes sense if they come through with the "compromise after talking it over with the team" that they wanted all along, but it's so shamelessly ham-fisted and pitiful to accomplish their goals that way.
  • redsoxpatsfan89redsoxpatsfan89 Member Posts: 164
    In my honest opinion, the biggest issue i have with this, isnt the lack of revives specifically. Its that all it takes is one mistake or slip up in a very long technical fight 5 min+ at times and you get combed from 100% to zero in an instant. No matter how skilled you are (minus a select few insanely good players) your going to make mistakes. Now we have a very limited # of revives for these mistakes (or due to bugs) to finish the quests or spend lots of units / $. Also this penazlizes that learning curve some players have. As with the EOP, you need to do the fights to remember/ learn the rotation. Now you only have 2 options. Get to that fight (could be 2nd to last one) and figure out as you go and spend units/$ or quit when you die and wait a few weeks to stock back up, grind for an hour or so to see if you can remember the fight again. And i know i would forget those fights by then.
  • AxewAxew Member Posts: 619 ★★★★
    They better not nerf revive drop rates in EQ as well. They just made the change to have those 2 revive drop spots
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  • SnurrisSnurris Member Posts: 440 ★★★
    First of all, let me be clear that I think this is a horrible move hidden behind reasons that really are nothing but really bad excuses.

    With that said I’m very surprised with how many players that are shocked about the fact that Kabam wants to monetize this game even more. Of course they want to.
    They are a company with one purpose and one alone, to generate profit to its owners.
    To think otherwise is just ignorant. They have created a product that people want and will try to make as much money out of it as they can. If the big numbers drops the game will be terminated.

    Many players are also upset that Kabam don’t care about their player base and in some ways they don’t have to. So it’s not that strange.
    When celebrating 7 years they posted a video whee they stated that they had like 270 million players (if memory serves me). So as long as there is an inflow of players they don’t have to care about the average player that much, there is always new players joining the game with no knowledge about what has happened. Just happy to play with a will to spend.
    Therefore shouts that “I quit” has very little impact.

    So stop being surprised that kabam does what they exist to do.

    BUT there is business and there is business and in my opinion they are just doing it so wrong right now.
    Making a gamechanging move for many players and trying to motivate it with “it’s for your own good”. When clearly it’s because it hurts their business. It’s just signals that they think most players are imbecile. Otherwise they would have made revive farming with units harder as well.

    My guess next move will be “we have found a solution. We will increase the inventory in the summoners sigil. Just pay up and you won’t have a problem”.

    So if solo cries don’t do much, then maybe the big mass of players joining together like this can have an impact and kabam takes this back to the drawing table.
    For the sake of the game we all love.
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    Nothing KASCAM does surprises me. It’s obviously a free to play but pay to win system and they apparently run a very expensive operation and need to find ways to force people to pay for in game resources in order to keep their money machine running. It’s so obvious how everything they do is a money grab. They make small changes in our favor sometimes and then take away something huge. It’s sad how they fail to create an enjoyable experience for free to play players. I almost wish they ran adds to generate revenue instead of constantly taking things away from their loyal community, and making everything so dragged out and tedious unless you spend tons of money on units.
  • Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Member Posts: 504 ★★★★

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    Mauled said:

    As I've said before I'm wholeheartedly against this change for a few reasons. I'm going to focus on the two that I believe are the most significant.

    1 - The potion/revive market has been in dire need of an overhaul for years, but especially in the last year or two since our champions have been hitting R3/4 and now R5. In order to revive and fully heal an un-boosted R4 costs something like 120 units, depending on the health pool, and even more if the champion is boosted. As the potion economy currently stands cases it's actually worth allowing boosts to expire - depending on the boosts you're using -before healing a champion. Using the free potions from 4 hour crystals it takes an average of about 10 crystals to heal a champion from a 40% revive (assuming you're a Paragon), using the lv3 from RoL it takes about 15 or so.

    The potion situation being so ludicrous is one of the reasons that revives are farmed in the way that they are: players can't afford to spend the units to heal their champions up, or have the time to spend hours and hours farming RoL for lv3 potions to heal. It's far more efficient to just farm revives and use 20% revives.

    Solution: Health potions should be % based, starting with 10% for lv1, up to a 60% heal for lv6.

    2 - Difficult content is being designed to make you revive. If you look at AoL upon release that was a piece of content that came with a hard ceiling on the amount of damage that you could do per hit - 85k - and a hard ceiling on the amount of hits you could do, depending on the power level of the champion ~240 hits. Unless you're using someone like Prof X, or Stryfe using a heavy-only playstyle soloing any of the fights was next to impossible, and it still is for many of the champions in the game no matter what their power level is now. This is a design philosophy that has continued into the Carinas Challenges, V1 was full of punitive challenges like the Star Lord challenge which is impossible to do without an enormous amount of revives, V2 isn't quite as bad though the Carina's Challengers challenge is still a revive fiesta. Carina V3 was designed to force you to revive multiple times per fight - there's only one of the Challenges where Peni isn't a total revive fiesta (CMM), for example.

    Solution: The design philosophy needs to change. There's a difference between hard and impossible content. Much of Carina V3, AoL (At least on release) is impossible content and people just aren't keen on the idea of spending 2-3k units to do a challenge or a single line in a quest.

    Completely agree @Mauled. Great points.

    The revive farm is a consequence of negligence of reviewing the potion ecosystem and making sure that a reasonable amount of account potions are available in endgame content. I’m not talking about ground breaking things here but a revive every other quest on a single line that doesn’t refresh would be a huge upgrade. Including heal pots that are relevant to the story content. This doesn’t meant L3 (1500 go revives in TB difficulty, gtfoh with that) but maybe L5s on an Act8 line. Another option would be to changed pots to % based pots, then maybe a L1 might be something of relevance to all players. Rather than less than 1% of a 6star R5 HP… again gtfoh with that.

    Additionally it’s a consequence of unreasonable objectives that aren’t designed to be challenging yet fun like EoP but instead are design to consume resources in punishing fashion that requires a level of Masochism to push through, as you know that no amount of skill makes that content possible
    People used the same excuse for spamming the Act 1 Rev.
    Please explain how this is a relevant comment to the ideas presented here, because it’s not it’s a derailment if reasonable ideas, and it shouldn’t be allowed
    How does something from years ago relate to current potions not being useful or content that is designed to consume more potions than you can carry? It wasn’t relevant to either point being discussed, it’s a derailment, you are derailing those 2 ideas with your comment. So I’d like us to go back to those 2 ideas if you’d like to continue discussions with me, otherwise Good Afternoon.
    How does something that was for newer Players being milked relate to something that was for newer Players being milked now? Do I need to explain that?
    The same justifications were being used, the percentage, the content, the bugs, the P2W.....
    Except that’s not the conversation you are quoting. Do I need to explain that? Moving on…
    Yes it was. The conversation was justifying the farming situation with the state of Revives. The reality is, wherever Players can find an easy advantage, they'll take full advantage. Which is fine, unless it becomes a problem. It's become a problem.
    Revive farming has become a problem in a game that has content that requires you to spam revives? This isn't dark souls where players can win the game by simply not getting hit and playing perfectly. This game has content in it that cannot be done WITHOUT spamming upwards of 30-40 revives.
    Kabam as well as some players seem to forget something here

    To some spending their money for revives or whatever is fine for them

    To others spending their time to farm revives or whatever is fine for them

    Saying 1 is better then the other to me is well stupid. You are still spending something to get those revives rather it be your time or your money

    Kabam needs to find a better balance. Saying ok we don’t want you to farm any at all so here a quest that you can do 6 days a week for 1 20% revive and we also don’t want you to depend on rng to get those revives but here is an extra 1% chance at 20% revive and 5% chance at a 40% is well stupid
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    Mauled said:

    As I've said before I'm wholeheartedly against this change for a few reasons. I'm going to focus on the two that I believe are the most significant.

    1 - The potion/revive market has been in dire need of an overhaul for years, but especially in the last year or two since our champions have been hitting R3/4 and now R5. In order to revive and fully heal an un-boosted R4 costs something like 120 units, depending on the health pool, and even more if the champion is boosted. As the potion economy currently stands cases it's actually worth allowing boosts to expire - depending on the boosts you're using -before healing a champion. Using the free potions from 4 hour crystals it takes an average of about 10 crystals to heal a champion from a 40% revive (assuming you're a Paragon), using the lv3 from RoL it takes about 15 or so.

    The potion situation being so ludicrous is one of the reasons that revives are farmed in the way that they are: players can't afford to spend the units to heal their champions up, or have the time to spend hours and hours farming RoL for lv3 potions to heal. It's far more efficient to just farm revives and use 20% revives.

    Solution: Health potions should be % based, starting with 10% for lv1, up to a 60% heal for lv6.

    2 - Difficult content is being designed to make you revive. If you look at AoL upon release that was a piece of content that came with a hard ceiling on the amount of damage that you could do per hit - 85k - and a hard ceiling on the amount of hits you could do, depending on the power level of the champion ~240 hits. Unless you're using someone like Prof X, or Stryfe using a heavy-only playstyle soloing any of the fights was next to impossible, and it still is for many of the champions in the game no matter what their power level is now. This is a design philosophy that has continued into the Carinas Challenges, V1 was full of punitive challenges like the Star Lord challenge which is impossible to do without an enormous amount of revives, V2 isn't quite as bad though the Carina's Challengers challenge is still a revive fiesta. Carina V3 was designed to force you to revive multiple times per fight - there's only one of the Challenges where Peni isn't a total revive fiesta (CMM), for example.

    Solution: The design philosophy needs to change. There's a difference between hard and impossible content. Much of Carina V3, AoL (At least on release) is impossible content and people just aren't keen on the idea of spending 2-3k units to do a challenge or a single line in a quest.

    Completely agree @Mauled. Great points.

    The revive farm is a consequence of negligence of reviewing the potion ecosystem and making sure that a reasonable amount of account potions are available in endgame content. I’m not talking about ground breaking things here but a revive every other quest on a single line that doesn’t refresh would be a huge upgrade. Including heal pots that are relevant to the story content. This doesn’t meant L3 (1500 go revives in TB difficulty, gtfoh with that) but maybe L5s on an Act8 line. Another option would be to changed pots to % based pots, then maybe a L1 might be something of relevance to all players. Rather than less than 1% of a 6star R5 HP… again gtfoh with that.

    Additionally it’s a consequence of unreasonable objectives that aren’t designed to be challenging yet fun like EoP but instead are design to consume resources in punishing fashion that requires a level of Masochism to push through, as you know that no amount of skill makes that content possible
    People used the same excuse for spamming the Act 1 Rev.
    Please explain how this is a relevant comment to the ideas presented here, because it’s not it’s a derailment if reasonable ideas, and it shouldn’t be allowed
    How does something from years ago relate to current potions not being useful or content that is designed to consume more potions than you can carry? It wasn’t relevant to either point being discussed, it’s a derailment, you are derailing those 2 ideas with your comment. So I’d like us to go back to those 2 ideas if you’d like to continue discussions with me, otherwise Good Afternoon.
    How does something that was for newer Players being milked relate to something that was for newer Players being milked now? Do I need to explain that?
    The same justifications were being used, the percentage, the content, the bugs, the P2W.....
    Except that’s not the conversation you are quoting. Do I need to explain that? Moving on…
    Yes it was. The conversation was justifying the farming situation with the state of Revives. The reality is, wherever Players can find an easy advantage, they'll take full advantage. Which is fine, unless it becomes a problem. It's become a problem.
    Revive farming has become a problem in a game that has content that requires you to spam revives? This isn't dark souls where players can win the game by simply not getting hit and playing perfectly. This game has content in it that cannot be done WITHOUT spamming upwards of 30-40 revives.
    As interesting as that aspect is, I'm going to avoid talking about that because I feel it's a rabbit hole, but there is certain content that requires some Reviving, and then there is content Players brute-forced through beyond their capabilities. There are a number of Players on the Forum that have done content with much less than "spamming". Perhaps not myself, but it's been done.
    To the point, we're not talking about people using Revives to do content. We're talking about an in-game availability that has a much higher percentage than they intend to have. They've also indicated that farming will still be possible, but at a reduced rate.
    People are reacting as if they've taken away every possible source for Revives. That's not at all the case. They're adjusting the lowest content that people have been "spamming" for easy Revs. There are many ways to acquire them, and we can save them up as we've always done. Perhaps more, since they're looking at holding limitations.
    What the primary issue is, is repeating the lowest content to spawn a high chance for them. That's never been the intention of those Revs.
    All this business about trying to squeeze money and F2P vs. P2P is completely off from the issue. If there's an area of the earlier Acts that is designed to help people starting out, and it's become an easy street for higher-end content, that's a problem.
    So they're making small changes to make it less advantageous to do that. That's it.
This discussion has been closed.