Which champs to focus for cav & thronebreaker push?

Which champs should I focus upgrading for a cav and thronebreaker push?


  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    AA will be great for a cav push. However. I think you do not have the roster depth to get to thronebreaker just yet. There are a lot of very specific paths in act 6 which honostly will require far more effort and time now compared to when you are ready for it. Even if free revives get nerfed. You should atleast have a solid team of rank 5 5* or r2 6* that can counter a lot of different nodes before pushing for thronebreaker. It will really just burn you out if you try to push for it.
  • spookyteaspoonsspookyteaspoons Member Posts: 6

    AA will be great for a cav push. However. I think you do not have the roster depth to get to thronebreaker just yet. There are a lot of very specific paths in act 6 which honostly will require far more effort and time now compared to when you are ready for it. Even if free revives get nerfed. You should atleast have a solid team of rank 5 5* or r2 6* that can counter a lot of different nodes before pushing for thronebreaker. It will really just burn you out if you try to push for it.

    Thanks for the help!
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