Advice for Carina Challenges Vol 3

spigwenderspigwender Member Posts: 473 ★★★

My current roster of Thunderbolts, Spiderverse Heroes, Brotherhood of mutants, A-Force/Alpha Flight, and Robots.

Who is best to bring in/rank up for these challenges? I don’t have Nimrod or Spider 2099, I do have juggs, unawakened, and have planned to rank him but he’s been on hold. Also, what path would be best for each challenge? I have the thing explored. Also have hercules, so he can be brought and swapped out. Any and all advice is very much appreciated, thank you all in advance.


  • JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Member Posts: 1,283 ★★★★
    Right path is easier, just herc the first 4 fights with 20% revives.
    A force, sw takes kraven and Icarus, cmm for peni, and she hulk/cmm for scorp.
    Spiderverse, Miles cheeses kraven just get him in the counter and spam heavy. Spidy supreme for Icarus.
    I think juggs is worth ranking for dual challenge, he’s good for thanos and also great bg attacker.
  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Member Posts: 449 ★★★

    Right path is easier, just herc the first 4 fights with 20% revives.
    A force, sw takes kraven and Icarus, cmm for peni, and she hulk/cmm for scorp.
    Spiderverse, Miles cheeses kraven just get him in the counter and spam heavy. Spidy supreme for Icarus.
    I think juggs is worth ranking for dual challenge, he’s good for thanos and also great bg attacker.

    I agree. spider verse you can add spidey2099 if you know how to use him. if not go with peni like I did. she was good for thanos
  • spigwenderspigwender Member Posts: 473 ★★★

    Right path is easier, just herc the first 4 fights with 20% revives.
    A force, sw takes kraven and Icarus, cmm for peni, and she hulk/cmm for scorp.
    Spiderverse, Miles cheeses kraven just get him in the counter and spam heavy. Spidy supreme for Icarus.
    I think juggs is worth ranking for dual challenge, he’s good for thanos and also great bg attacker.

    Right path is easier, just herc the first 4 fights with 20% revives.
    A force, sw takes kraven and Icarus, cmm for peni, and she hulk/cmm for scorp.
    Spiderverse, Miles cheeses kraven just get him in the counter and spam heavy. Spidy supreme for Icarus.
    I think juggs is worth ranking for dual challenge, he’s good for thanos and also great bg attacker.

    Just took spidey to r2. will definitely do A force next. just did brotherhood challenge, brought prof x and white mags, swapped herc for red mags. prof x handled kraven, ikaris and thanos all solo. red mags got scorp down in 2 revives, peni in many revives lol.
  • spigwenderspigwender Member Posts: 473 ★★★
    Thank you for advice, also.
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