When Kabam, when?

I've been playing the game for over 6 years now and never has there been as many problems as there are now. Nor has such a long time passed of them not being fixing.

I'm talking about getting my SP's interrupted during BG's, auto-drafting in BG, buffs/rebuffs not getting nullified/activated, blocking not working, opponents just randomly able to throw a SP during the middle of a BG fight? Fighting mostly against paragon 6* A 4/5s when I'm cavalier?

There are constant issues and I know (hope) you are aware of it but it feels like nothing is being done to fix or remedy the problem except introduce a new quest every month. Any update on these issues KABAM?


  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    I totally agree with you. But I have to ask. Is there a particular reason you are still only cavalier when you have been playing for over 6 years? Just curious if you have a reason, or you just don`t want to do the GM.
  • willemadnnel117willemadnnel117 Member Posts: 74

    I totally agree with you. But I have to ask. Is there a particular reason you are still only cavalier when you have been playing for over 6 years? Just curious if you have a reason, or you just don`t want to do the GM.

    Cav was always my goal but I never committed to completing the content as I wasn't in an alliance. So I found a fantastic alliance (WR4F) and made Cav end of last year. Now I'm working on my roster but damned if these bugs came out of nowhere and started ruining the experience.
  • Derpy_sasquatch1Derpy_sasquatch1 Member Posts: 10
    @willemadnnel117 I hit thronebreaker last month with the parry and dexterity bugs it was like pulling teeth I'd wait it out man it ain't worth it.
  • willemadnnel117willemadnnel117 Member Posts: 74

    @willemadnnel117 I hit thronebreaker last month with the parry and dexterity bugs it was like pulling teeth I'd wait it out man it ain't worth it.

    I was going to farm some revives but that ship has sailed haha
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