Strange rank up question…Deadpool or Valkyrie?

Vance2_jrVance2_jr Member Posts: 785 ★★★★
edited March 2023 in Strategy and Tips
So I have them both duped at 6* r2. Deadpool is currently around 25 stones, Valk is only at 1. I have 30 generic stones I can use on either or both. I’m flush with Skill champs, and it sounds like she needs to have high sigs. Deadpool has great regen, no utility and really is just a “for the fun of it” champ. Who do you take to r3?

Strange rank up question…Deadpool or Valkyrie? 47 votes

Hort4buffajrzuffyMityAntrockykostontntslrcm2017Logan00RockyshockyTimmy2xsMother_FlerkenAdamb208WhoDaPooAMS94H3t3rGinjabredMonstaFurious80GogiMasterzxProCrcrcrc 30 votes
Blackfriar63Mhd20034darjBarrier ReefGogeta91199PikoluDenslo500TheSaithRonSwansonGiuliameijabamwillrun4adonut13579rebel_PowerOfACandleAxewSlayinAliveMknight123 17 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    Valkyrie is a formidable champ even without a sig.

    Deadpool is fun, but there's nothing more to him than that.
  • Timmy2xsTimmy2xs Member Posts: 175
    Valkyrie may have the best utility in the game when used correctly. Shes insane. Took mine to R4 and maxed her sig out.
  • Barrier ReefBarrier Reef Member Posts: 778 ★★★

    Working on getting my Deadpool up to sig 200. Love his healing at rank 4.
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