Gates Of Destroyers Recruitment, must be 65K +

Hey all,
Gates Of Destroyers is currently recruiting. We are looking for skilled, active players that pay attention to the alliance chat. Our alliance currently runs map 3 alliance quests very often and are currently waiting for better players to participate in alliance war as we are struggling to find active players that know about the mechanics of the game. Every second week our alliance saves all of our crystals and Iso so that we can do a big opening for SA the next week. We are currently in a save week so this is a very opportune time to join. When joining just type in the alliance chat or DM Rangaboop that you have joined from the forums. BE WARNED that if you exceed 1K point on a SA during save week you will be kicked.
Gates Of Destroyers is currently recruiting. We are looking for skilled, active players that pay attention to the alliance chat. Our alliance currently runs map 3 alliance quests very often and are currently waiting for better players to participate in alliance war as we are struggling to find active players that know about the mechanics of the game. Every second week our alliance saves all of our crystals and Iso so that we can do a big opening for SA the next week. We are currently in a save week so this is a very opportune time to join. When joining just type in the alliance chat or DM Rangaboop that you have joined from the forums. BE WARNED that if you exceed 1K point on a SA during save week you will be kicked.