Terminals room 22 in the danger room

I tell myself nice the moment to have the famous title legend everything goes well I go to room 10 without reas then I arrive in room 18 no more resuscitation no big deal I have units, I continue and here I am in rooms 22 with a horrible matchup I politely ask @""Kabam Miike" To change the terminal or have a simple explanation but no answer I find it a shame. In order not to disturb in another general position I create one myself. It is especially the mix of terminals that is really impossible with deviations, I hope to finally have an answer to my comment.
With buffet the time to do parade breeze guard it comes back to 100% and moreover I lose immortality
Ps: My team is hercule (prefight odin and galan) with doom and heimdall

With buffet the time to do parade breeze guard it comes back to 100% and moreover I lose immortality
Ps: My team is hercule (prefight odin and galan) with doom and heimdall

Have there been any node combos with champs that are impossible to do?
Also, OP, this is why (especially in later rooms) it is SUPER important to check the nodes on even the mini-boss fights, much less the final boss of the room before moving past the champion choice node. That is where you could have switched out your doom/heimdall for someone like Void, Peni (I assume would work well, standard Nick counter and does well against regen), mayber a Domino, or just take a screenshot and come to the community asking for suggestions. Now that you passed it up, your options are to restart or to unit through. This is technically Kabam's doing, but you 100% had a chance to bring in a better counter.