I agree I’d love to see a black bolt buff or tune up. There’s a lot of synergies for him but the way the game is currently it’s no so easy to use synergy teams. Would love to see some of them merged into his base kit or something.
He really needs some non-synergy benefits. There are characters that have really useful syndergies but are great on their own, but no character should need synergies to be at all useful.
Give us a Magneto-level buff and I'll be happy, but I would take even the usability of Medusa, who should not be the wildly more useful one in that relationship.
He really needs some non-synergy benefits. There are characters that have really useful syndergies but are great on their own, but no character should need synergies to be at all useful.
Give us a Magneto-level buff and I'll be happy, but I would take even the usability of Medusa, who should not be the wildly more useful one in that relationship.
Don't expect a Magneto level buff because they've gone on record stating that that was the exception, not the rule and in terms of Medusa being the more useful one, she's got more to work with with all that hair.
He really needs some non-synergy benefits. There are characters that have really useful syndergies but are great on their own, but no character should need synergies to be at all useful.
Give us a Magneto-level buff and I'll be happy, but I would take even the usability of Medusa, who should not be the wildly more useful one in that relationship.
Don't expect a Magneto level buff because they've gone on record stating that that was the exception, not the rule and in terms of Medusa being the more useful one, she's got more to work with with all that hair.
If we ever get more exceptions of this kind, this is one of three champions that should receive these, the others being Phoenix and Sentry. I'm not saying they should get that kind of buff, mind you, bumping them from not useful at all to useable will be enough, but these are the cases where overbuffing them would be justified by lore.
He really needs some non-synergy benefits. There are characters that have really useful syndergies but are great on their own, but no character should need synergies to be at all useful.
Give us a Magneto-level buff and I'll be happy, but I would take even the usability of Medusa, who should not be the wildly more useful one in that relationship.