Can’t find the claimed envelope in my inventory?

U1traman_ZeusU1traman_Zeus Member Posts: 53
Accidentally started TL5 SQ while previewing the nodes, luckily completed the Groot path without too much issues. Then I claimed the Solo Objectives for defeating Groot. However, I can’t find the Envelope inside my inventory. Is this something to do with the SQ issues. (I think I have the the Cosmic ISOs from Solo Obj in my stash)


  • QuikPikQuikPik Member Posts: 825 ★★★★
    Look under the Other tab. It's a green card with a number on it.
  • U1traman_ZeusU1traman_Zeus Member Posts: 53
    Thanks QuikPik, found it. Didn’t notice the green card is from the envelope.
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