Used archangel in the current GC meta that reduces defensive ability accuracy for each buff on the defender and he can parry fine no matter the amount of buffs
I know nothing about the MCOC codebase, but assuming other AA reduction immune champs like Mephisto and Mordo aren’t bugged, why is Archangel bugged? Shouldn’t they all have that same AA immune code?
I know nothing about the MCOC codebase, but assuming other AA reduction immune champs like Mephisto and Mordo aren’t bugged, why is Archangel bugged? Shouldn’t they all have that same AA immune code?
Mordo was bugged against falcon until like a few updates ago. And you'd probably find bugs with Mephisto is extensively tested I'm sure
Against zemo
Practice Mode
No relevant synergies except parry
Android 12
Version 38.2.0
Mobile Data
He can bypass node AAR too. Disorient debuffs from nodes don't work on him
Issue still exists. Two instances. One where the parry stun fails and one where it doesn't