
With the relics becoming more and more involved in the game it seems like there is going to be more and more nodes "encouraging" summoners to use them so with that in mind....
Can we have an option to pick where we want the striker button to be? That is literally the only thing stopping me from using them as I constantly hit it when swiping backwards, given the size of my phone and my little dwarf hands I simply can't just adjust the way I hold the device to offset that.
On a side note, to the summoners who dont use relics ... why don't you use them? .. comment below, maybe we can get some light shed on why people are against them ... as such.
Can we have an option to pick where we want the striker button to be? That is literally the only thing stopping me from using them as I constantly hit it when swiping backwards, given the size of my phone and my little dwarf hands I simply can't just adjust the way I hold the device to offset that.
On a side note, to the summoners who dont use relics ... why don't you use them? .. comment below, maybe we can get some light shed on why people are against them ... as such.
That said, I don’t mind them and did enjoy using strikers in last month’s SQ with the hack allowing them to be available at the start of the fight.
If the button was on the otherside of the special button then that would be ideal and I'd equip all my relics ... probably still wouldn't use them though but at least I wouldn't be at a disadvantage for not having them where relics nodes appear
But don't like the placement of spirit gauge, wish I can move it to the top.
The ease of access of this button is different person to person, whether it's size of the screen or the thumbs. Whichever it is, it's an inconvenience for me.