How do I access the login calendar?
Member Posts: 2
Someone told me that I had to click a calendar icon at the home page but I don't see anything
That is automatic each day when you login (rolls over to next day in evening, U.S. time).
(unless it is just for you to see what daily stuff is upcoming for the month)
Could also be if you are brand new, that you have to wait until the next time that a new calendar starts, before being able to start getting those calendars.
What you *do* have to click on each day, the pink rubber chicken icon (from either of it's 2 spots in corner there), is to see the Daily Objective for the monthly event, in order to know what to do, and then in order to claim the objective afterward too.
The calendar just doesn't show up for me and I just can't get the keys to the new event or anything else like the daily login rewards. I'm trying to contact support but still no solution, I'm currently level 36 and I've never seen the calendar on the game's home page.