Alliance war kill figureout

Hey kabam i have a war in my ally there are total 30 people and i am an officer i want to figureout who gave howmuch kill so i can solve this issue by kicking him out plz add the feature couse that makes the fear inside the player so they dont give free kills and escape from the kickout situation most of the time innocent in the ally who are weak got kicked couse of some inappropriate player behaviour...we loose war couse of this...its a very important request to get this feature for war...thankyou. @Kabam Miike @Cat_Murdock @RichTheMan please help to get this update..
It's been requested for a while now, not something Kabam has seen to keen on adding.
Actually think there might have been a reply at some point, basically saying that since that would encourage alliance to KICK players who they (aka, you) deem have committed too many of the deaths. That is not in the best interests of comradery amongst alliance mates.