BGs improving?

As the season is coming to an end and we all know that there are some issues, but I wish to say that even though there were some sand baggers and some bugs in the Battlegrounds ,personally I faced less of them in this season. Sandbaggers were really trouble some but I felt the bugs were less in this season (PERSONAL OPINION)
I would like to appreciate Kabam ,keep the good work and also wish to point out one thing
The sand baggers were really troublesome , they bring very high ranked champs with really low ranked 4*s,3*s and below champs . This also affects the options we get to choose from
I have noticed this multiple times, I noticed that most of the matches I get to choose from almost same set of champs, but when it is a match against sandbaggers I get to choose from my lower end of the deck and they get to choose from the higher end of the deck and its always an unfair matchup
so if possible deal with this issue before the start of next season.


  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    edited April 2023
    What needs to be fixed is the disconnect/draft timer bug...the matchmaking was told will take time to adjust...fine they asked for time.. the waste of energy/elder marks due to disconnections, black screen, no fight losses is a total different and more serious issue
  • Sean_WhoSean_Who Member Posts: 618 ★★★
    Felt like one of the buggiest seasons so far for me.

    I can't take it much longer if matches just keep getting scored zero points.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,445 ★★★★★
    First season of BGs I’ve just decided to take off—some dictated by distaste for the structural issues with BGs and some by a personal schedule that reduced my time to sit and play for stretches.

    Net effect has been two-fold for me:
    1. Less game stress and relief from not needing to push to get to GC.
    3. Reduced opportunity for champ acquisition and roster development.

    The first item is to be expected. The second one is also, but it is also more concerning.

    Champ acquisition is less of an issue for someone missing fewer than 20 of the currently available 6* champs that aren’t trophies/purchasable/currently unavailable. Slowed roster development—especially if I’m going to gear up for a BGs mode next season that practically requires it—is an issue.

    Obviously, BGs needed a carrot to get things started and the store is just that. But the outsized importance of the BG store relative to other modes needs to be adjusted. There are, of course, materials available everywhere, but most are scattered across modes, not consolidated in one location.

    If the team can (quickly) figure out ways to solve the structural issues in BGs, that helps. But it goes without saying that the other game modes could use some adjustments to reduce the significance of BGs on the overall game.

    Dr. Zola
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