7 Day Alliance Event slows down overall iso gain

I’m a paragon player that doesn’t grind arena much as I find it tedious and boring. I will only grind when a new champ comes out to get the 3 and 4 star. I’ve now noticed a slowing down to both my premium shards and grandmaster shards gain. Most would be gained from the 1 day alliance events. Now with this change over to 7 days and none of those shards included it hurts the overall iso I have as those were used to hold for mainly rank ups. If you are not grinding arena or spending for shards/crystals you don’t bring in enough iso for these rank ups anymore. The iso economy in the game has now shifted to now requiring to either spend on crystals, spend on the new 5 dollar deals to get 20 stacks of tier 6 iso or grind arena for shards in hopes the duplicates you get are the iso you need. You also can get some free in the glory store if you are willing to waste precious glory on that material. This change may not hurt spenders in the game but for free to play players It will require a lot more time in all arenas just collecting the milestones.
We should just spend zero time and effort to gain 50 Tier 6 bricks in the mail every 3 days, nay!, everyday!
This is a resource management centered game. You need to perform a task in order to gain a resource, and you need to manage the resources you earn. If your time spent amounts to, for example, rank a 6* champ from 1 to 3 each week, its directly proportional to the resources you can gain with the time you spend. If you want to rank 2 champs instead, you need to increase your play time, or spend money. There's no way around that.
If you can only play 2 hours a week, that's perfectly fine, you will earn what those 2 hours get you, no more, no less.
For *real* arena grinders, units, gold and ISO will never be a problem. For casual players, those 3 resources will be very limited.
It's that simple. I hate generalizations, but it's safe to assume that if you have an ISO problem, it means you dont spend that much time or money in the game, and again, that's perfectly fine.
I have a decent job and fortunately, it allows me to spend on things i love. I would love to buy a McLaren but sadly i cannot afford it. It's illogical for me to demand they lower their price just cause I cant afford it, or that they make a model that is more affordable with my income.
If you lack a certain resource play the game and earn it.
That’s why they took iso (crystal and shards) from the events when they made it a 7 day event.
It’s going to take a lot of iso. I’m thinking roughly what it takes to r3 a 6* to take a 7* to get it to r2. So they limited “easy iso gain”.
But again that’s just my tinfoil hat thinking.
In the end, we have to adapt. I love these changes, for example. Is your discomfort more important than my happiness? Of course not, that's the point, you can't please everyone.
I know arena is a tedious bore, but it still remains the best consistent source of ISO available.
Im not saying this is the right way and hopefully it will change in the future.
Kabam has increases ISO availability in many ways as of late. Free cavs each month with the side quest, random offers, different items in the stores, etc. There is still room to improve, 4, 5 and 6 stars shouldnt reward the same amount, for example.
My advice is branch out and start doing other game modes to increase your resource income.
I make the assumption that it’s 6* you’re alluding to as you say you’re a Paragon and so have limited need of 5* and even less for 1-4*.
But yeah, it’s a hindrance for players lower down the food chain for sure.