Seasonal changes to BG matchmaking?

About a month ago when Kabam addressed the community on BG, they had a section about matchmaking (where they addresses some videos I did without giving me credit, ouch). Anyway, in their comments they stated they will continue to make adjustments to matchmaking every season while working on a new system.
My question, it what changes were actually made to matchmaking this season? 98% of my matches, starting in bronze 3 were against fellow paragons, with at least 16.5 - 17.5k prestige.
Meanwhile, much like every other season, to include previous seasons where I did videos of weak accounts in GC (which I didn't waste my time with this season especially after Kabam out me in jail after the last BG GC video I did) this season is absolutely flooded with weak to extremely mid accounts in GC. I didn't bother wasting my time on a vid this time as I'm just not motivated enough at this point, but a simple quick search will show hundreds upon hundreds if not thousands of accounts under 10.5k prestige.
I find this extremely unfair that these under 10.5k accounts are getting married ched with each other while stronger players face nothing but the best in the game every match starting at bronze 3 while we are all competing for same rewards.
This leads to a ton of UC and CAV accounts getting much better rewards than TB and Paragon. I know there are thousands of paragons still stuck in Victory track (as I still face 16.5k prestige players every single match in victory track) while the weaker CAV and UC are sitting pretty on way better rewards without having to face the stronger accounts.
Despite my rant (same one I've been saying since season 2), can anyone telle what changes Kabam is actually making to BG each season as stated in their post. And if changes are being made, does that Kabam is saying they think it is fair for UC and CAV players to get better BG rewards than far stronger players and rosters without ever having to face them?
how do you expect me to finish this fight earlier than my opponent ? I have no problem with how hard the fight is, but since timing is also an important factor - how ? @Kabam Miike pls guide
What Kabam misses here is the sense of time wasted. I’ve played the game for eight years because I find it fun and rewarding. BGs for the advanced player could be that—but it is often just fighting a version of myself, which usually leads to stretches of 50-50 outcomes. Supposedly, this is being addressed, albeit at a snail’s pace. Playing a phone game is, by definition, wasting time, but no one wants to further waste his/her time by fruitlessly wasting wasted time.
This season in particular, I’ve noticed longer matching times as well as matching with players up or down a tier, presumably because no one at my level and account size is looking for a match. I’m sure apologists will disagree, but that indicates to me the mode at some basic level is struggling.
There were plenty of suggestions about avoiding similar issues that plagued AW at its inception. Plenty of posts suggested a modified version of EOL for matchmaking. None of those have been heeded.
I don’t expect anyone on the team to step up and try to *fix* BGs unless the mode is literally on the verge of failing. I don’t mean to suggest that it is—my anecdotal evidence is just one data point out of thousands.
But the logical conclusion I’m drawing is that BGs as currently built is simply not targeted at accounts like mine. That’s fine—but the asymmetry of rewards versus the other game modes should be addressed. Maintaining BGs as an outsized source of rewards versus other modes (while continuing to lean on a failed matchmaking system) will serve only to push players away from the mode specifically and the game in general.
Dr. Zola
So.. there might be some changes next season
Many of the accounts in those videos were clearly legit and got there through legit means based on current matchmaking process. However, Kabam tried discrediting my videos stating most of them had got to GC through cheating and that the videos didn't tell the whole story.
Ironically, one of my videos where they said everyone in the video was cheating was taken hours before season ended and despite kabam saying everyone in video had cheated and despite saying all cheaters are removed from the rankings, not a single player in that range moved up even a single spot, making it clear something isn't adding up. One plus one doesn't equal 8.
It was one win, one loss for days in a row as I struggled to advance against accounts stronger than me (I have 7 r4 and 30 r3) All that time I kept asking myself, where are the people at my level? Where are the Throne breakers? What about new Paragons slightly below me?
I stopped using elder marks in VT because it was a waste. I had to do some matches in GC with them to reach the final milestone. I have made GC since Season 2/3 and this is literally the first time I've gotten there without reaching the final milestone of the solo event.
They better have some changes coming as I'm sick of BGs in its current form.
Veteran players are fighting each other starting from Bronze3 throughout VT.
It’s like doing top tier war fights (if not harder since you can’t use items to mitigate any lack of skill) back to back.
A 16k prestige account is going against the very top players in the entire game.
Unfortunately between two top tier players someone will lose.
And between players of this prestige, where both are very experienced and both have the same optimal generic deck that suits each meta, wins are mainly pre determined on luck of the draft.
At least I know by the time the draft is done, if I’m going to win or lose the match.
Both players at this tier will play, more than 95% of the times, optimal and won’t mess or choose a bad matchup.
As you said your 6k prestige account got GC URU, scooping all VT plus ranked rewards.
On the other side my 4mil+ Veteran account ended up at Platinum3, getting less than half the rewards than accounts that are even 10x smaller.
VT structure and Prestige matchmaking are pushing veteran accounts away from the mode.
Kabam should buff the rewards in other game modes to match BGs rewards, in order for veterans to be able to ignore the mode at all, since at its current state it is punishing progressing your account.
I skipped the 30€ 25% t6cc offers recently, which I would otherwise had bought them all, because there is no point on getting an r5 and have even harder matches at BGs.
I’ve limited my spending to sigil, because there is no benefit in spending at the moment, since the most rewarding mode will directly punish you for that.
@Kabam Miike is that what the company wants?
To not progress our account in order to stay competitive?
Is the company aware of what Prestige matchmaking is causing for two seasons now or not?
Prestige matchmaking is directly opposed to what the company is mainly monetising: Account Progression
Punishing players for doing so, is a very dangerous idea for the game's revenue.
I personally assume that the issue is still there because it seems there is a disconection between Kabam departments.
I'm pretty sure that if the economics director was aware and had technical understanding of BGs VT design and matchmaking, and what spending behaviour this promotes (limiting the spending because there is no incentive to do so), Prestige matchmaking would already be gone.
FWIW...I've not yet seen VT and it is comforting to hear that others of similar account girth are facing a struggle as well.
things I guess.
Tl;dr—Talk is cheap.
Dr. Zola
That's an easy excuse to deflect, however, then why did NONE of those accounts on the video I did hours before season 5 ended that Kabam claimed all cheated get banned? Not a single player below the hundreds I showed moved up even one spot so clearly they were NOT banned. So were they cheating and not banned or were they not cheating but accused of it to deflect the real issue is with matchmaking?
Now, we have a player with a 5k prestige account who is in GC who has provided proof and a written experience how easy it is for noobs to get to GC along with photos of matches he did to get to GC while in diamond 1.
I strongly feel a lack of transparency with a bit of intentional dishonesty in some responses we've gotten to this problem.
Smaller accounts aren't invested like the larger ones, so the game can't be made too difficult so those people stay. Hero acquisition is much easier than it used to be. Game modes at the lower levels have had their difficulty reduced and rewards buffed to encourage newer accounts to complete that content (and thus staying in game longer).
BG's are boring and grindy. It would be much better if they flip flopped the way nodes are set up. VT should get the rotating nodes and GC should stay the same. I think a reason why that's not done is because accounts will skip the tougher nodes and wait for one that they feel comfortable with (thus driving down participation numbers during some weeks). Heck, just make the nodes for both VT and GC rotating with the GC nodes tuned up (i.e. masochism 2 for VT and masochism 3 for GC with an additional node) or something like that.
Anyway, they need to monetize certain areas of the game. I get that. There's got to be better ways to do that without grinding larger accounts out of the game.
I quit playing BGs because the paltry rewards were not worth the effort or frustration. I will never understand how they created a new 'competitive' mode and balanced it around making low-level players happy and punishing their biggest and best players. It makes ZERO sense. What I predicted, and has come to fruition, is that the endgamers would just quit and the mode would eventually die. That's why you're matching ppl in different levels with super long waiting times.
If they really 'cared' they would have sent out a care package of Sheilds when they posted about all the bugs that can't fix.
The decline is mostly due to our higher prestige players deeming the reward vs time involved is not worth it. Why play a mode a few times a day where it is most likely you'll see zero progress.
I didn't play much BGs last season but instead spent my time completing EOP Carina challenges. And while having an R5 helps my roster, it makes my BGs matches even harder now. The mode shouldn't penalize you for improving your roster. Kabam is telling lower level players to focus on content and not on BGs. In it's current state, if I were a lower level player; I'd do nothing but BGs because it's the best rewards for the effort.
Playing BGs on my son's 9k prestige account is far easier than on my 17k prestige account. Why should an account 1/4 the size of mine have an easier time in the same game mode?