Please fix JoeFixit

Joe Fixit causes game to freeze in loading screen in side quest Sinister Vaults. Restart and re-entry screen comes up properly but game will still freeze. Restart and Joe has lost half health and game will still freeze on loading screen. Game version 1273569. iOS v. iPadiOs 16,2


  • JJJmJJJJJJmJJJ Member Posts: 141 ★★
    nomen omen
  • MonkeyWMonkeyW Member Posts: 3
    I am also having the same issue. Have tried to enter a fight four different times with Mr fixit, and it freezes the game each time, however, it is clear kabams server got the fight request as Joe loses half his heath for the pleasure.

    Not seeing how to upload a video without uploading to YouTube first, only see upload a picture directly, and a still pic won’t help in this case.

    Anyway, just try with a joe fixit, your app will crash

    Is it because he is so overpowered he can’t be in certain game modes? Hercules who? That’s my normal player go to conspiratorial explanation that clearly makes more sense than just a bug. Something something ridiculous compensation and rollback of the revive farming changes /s
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