6* skill AG
Member Posts: 150 ★
Best options for it shown, others are Blade, Korg, Taskmaster, and Night Thrasher. Honestly can’t decide who to give it to.
He benefits hugely from the awakening with the LMD giving him that critical second life, and he doesn't need any sig levels to really get it going.
Gave generic to KP.
And the BG deck feels incomplete without a duped Kp. gave him 65 sigs.
The amount of fights he can tackle are uncountable.
KP is blacklisted in war. Guess why?
The difference in power is significant
My 13th (and finally first skill) R4 was kingpin for good reason.
And I've every 6* skill who's good, bar zemo, valk, misty and Kate.
Next skill R4 still likely to be someone else over nick. He's brilliant. He really is. But I'm more likely to take up Shang chi or hit monkey before him. Actually, I'm likely to take up og black panther, attuma, xbones, black cat, moleman, Aegon, bwdo, jabari, mantis, blade... Over nick.
Unless something really changes in BG nodes, aw nodes or story/MEQ nodes.
But if you've got full deep wounds, never run suicides and are really happy playing either at 30% health, or never unlocking his really nick (unless carrying an extensive synergy team), then go with nick. His synergies are still amazing. But most of us use his second Life as a safety net. For damage out of the box without that.. kingpin at sig 69 ish, is the boss...
I too used a generic AG on Nick Fury and regret it. Perhaps because I run max suicides and he's not very suicide-friendly. But I tried him on a non-suicide build w/ max Deep Wounds, and yeah, while the extra bleed was nice, not all defenders can bleed.
My order of usage, most-to-least (including ones not on your list):
Shang Chi (my only Skill R4)
OG Black Panther (synergy w/ Herc)
Mole Man
Hit Monkey
Nick Fury
He's a monster in attack and defence in BGs too.
Nick is situationally better at evade, but you wouldn't use nick as the main evade counter anyway.
Nick's advantage, is the second Life. Most people aren't comfortable fighting at 25% ish health (assuming some block damage), so you don't go into the second Life on purpose.
You save it for that one fight that you know may go south. The whole thing with Fury's second Life, is you don't want to use it on attack, except for one fight.
And if you're going to nuke down a final fight; there are so many choices, that are better for the lane, or don't need to die first to get there...galan, CGR, herc, Shang chi, kingpin, bwdo, collosus, hit monkey, domino, Nimrod, hulk buster, hulk, kitty, apoc/cable, bishop, valk and no doubt a ton I'm missing, especially if you take Heimdall.
If you're only awakening nick, for the second Life and you don't intend to use the second Life (except on BG defence) and if nick is not the cornerstone of your roster and mastery build, then I'd not use it on him if you also have kingpin as an option (or even valk or arguably falcon).
His synergies are very nice, but you don't need his awakened ability for them.
In that order.