SINISTER VAULTS - Completed Guides for Threat Levels 3, 4, 5 [ALL ZONES - Infographic]

And they’re finally all done! Thanks to everyone who helped submit data. It’s always awesome to see everyone coming together to help. The quest will remain open until May 3rd 10am PST, so you still have plenty of time to run paths and get more keys from the calendar. You will have 58 total over the event (56 from the calendar, and then the two set via compensation a few days ago). There are no Exploration rewards, you can pick up chests from other difficulties. Path rewards do not respawn. Happy side questing.
**Still unclear if it was possible to decipher WHICH of a couple of Objective Hints go towards WHICH of the final 2 Codes (code to enter Zone 4, then code to unlock the special Title in zone 4). Without just trial/error for each of the 4 potential combos for middle 2 numbers in the codes.
( @Ansh_A or @DNA3000 thoughts ?) Curious, were you able to decipher which of the new clues were for WHICH of the safe's ?? *without* having already seen people say (or trial and error) the codes were 1925 (and thus 2548) ?
The leftover Green-2 and Green-8 would be obvious (they have 1 icon and 4 icons, indicating position), while week 2's leftovers have 5 or 6 icons (so not part of a 4-digit code).
And the new Red-1 (1 icon/position) and Red-5 (4 icons/position) would be obvious.
But the other's, Red-5 and Red-9 each have 2 icons, and Red-2 and Red-4 each have 3 icons.
Do the icons themselves (different from week's 1 and 2, in that all the icons on a given tile are not all the same) allow you to decipher it ?
What makes it 1(92)5 and 2(54)8, as opposed to 1(54)5 and 2(92)5, or other combinations (94) and (52) of 2nd and 3rd positions in today's codes ?
I’m thinking Chip-Eye (because were 1st and 2nd week codes) would be necessary for the entirely week-3 code. Which settles it as “9” (Chip-Eye) instead of “5” (it's Chip-Bomb) for 2nd slot.
But leaves unanswered which of “2” (Chip-Eye-Bomb) or “4” (Chip-Eye-Spider) are for which of the 3rd spots in the codes ?
And trying to base it on going clockwise thru the icons (based on 4th's slot #) doesn’t work. Both “2” and “4” go same as each other, both opposite clockwise vs their 4-icon red item.