The atrocious bgs matchmaking..

Dev123Dev123 Member Posts: 35
Please improve this somehow. I’m at 12k prestige and consistently being paired against 15k+. There hero rating is almost 5x mine and most have more r4 then I have r3s


  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,016 ★★★★★
  • JaceFace75JaceFace75 Member Posts: 63
    You will see people click disagree button on you and talk **** because they get to go up ranks quickly because of the messed up matchmaking. It wouldn’t be bad if you fought hard matchups and equal or easy matchups. But like with me they always have way bigger decks and completely are out of my league. Where are my matchups like the ones my opponents get? They love matching up with me its an easy win and they get to climb the ranks. It needs to be based on your deck strength and eliminate the ability to sand bag since that was initial problem
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