You don't get credit for daily objectives of you don't redeem the rewards

RockCity333RockCity333 Member Posts: 122
This whole thing is a mess. I did all of the objectives and only got credit for 3 of them. Apparently if you don't redeem the rewards and overflow the stash, not only will you not get points for doing them, the new objectives don't show up. yesterday's objectives counted towards today's points but didn't get any new objectives.


  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,627 Guardian
    Apparently, YES, and that there is a Daily LIMIT to having 10 Objectives max.

    And also yes, you actually have to Claim the Objectives for the SOLO EVENT points to be credited (even though the Points Rules for Solo Event says “complete”, that apparently means “claim”, which I guess is technically the final completion of doing an objective is to actually claim them afterwards).

    (as to first part of comment) Like the normal Daily Objectives can only stack up to 3 Max (even if you complete some of the 3, but don’t claim them, the next day would NOT spawn another one since you still had 3 on the screen).

    With these, it is (up to) 10 each day, but NO MORE that 10 stacked on any given day.

    So you can NOT just complete but not claim these all the way out until the end of the event, to maximize the ISO’s future time in Stash. You have to CLAIM them each day in order to get more to spawn the next day.
  • RockCity333RockCity333 Member Posts: 122
    I understand that but they should clarify the rules before the even starts. The other daily objectives disappear when new one come out. They stack.
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