Which mystic 6* should i rank to r4 next?

I already have two R4 champs, CGR and Quicksilver, and i was wondering which champ to R4 next.
on the one hand, Diablo is one of the top mystics in the game but on the other hand my Scarlet Witch is already sig 200 and i have an R4 Quicksilver to go along with her.

Which mystic 6* should i rank to r4 next? 11 votes

Scarlet Witch (classic) - sig 200
yossAmbjonyEwell65SSS69FiiNCHRenaxqqmustgofasterTw1stedmemoryChiefhobTheFladhMknight123 10 votes
Diablo - unawakened
bigger_daddy 1 vote


  • Raptor_777Raptor_777 Member Posts: 2
    explanations for either choice are highly welcome too
  • AmbjonyAmbjony Member Posts: 212 ★★
    Scarlet Witch (classic) - sig 200
    Diablo only awakened and using suicides, in your case, SW seems the best way to go. You already have the sig 200 and the sinergy.
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